I can’t. It has to be done. I wasn’t lying when I told Nico he needed to act. It’s the only way he can win this war. But the churning in my gut is telling a very different story, one where I just want to find him and run away with him so we never have to deal with these people…this life…ever again.

Talk about giving mixed signals.

I hug myself, the chill spreading to my hands and feet. It feels as if I’m being iced from the inside out, but the numbness doesn’t affect my heart or my mind. I still know what comes next in the story.

I just don’t know how it will ultimately end.

We walk to the nurse’s station, and Sloane comes out to meet us, her grave expression making my chest clench. I fall into her arms, tears pooling in my eyes. Is he dead? Oh God, please don’t let him be dead…

“Mr. Salesi is out of surgery,” she murmurs to us, squeezing me tight. “But there were complications during the operation. He went into cardiac arrest, and he fell into a coma.”

I pull away. “Oh my God,” I whisper.

Sloane rubs my arm. “They don’t know when…or if…he’ll wake up, sweetie. I’m so sorry.”

I try to swallow the sob lodged in my throat, but the tears spill over, running down my face in torrents.

Max rubs my back. “Thanks, Sloane.”

She nods. “Nico and his mom are in recovery with him now.”

“Where’s Lily?” I rasp, swiping away the tears from under my eyes.

“She’s with one of the nurses. Mrs. Salesi came straight here when she got the news and she didn’t have anyone to leave Lily with on such short notice. I’ve been with her since they arrived.”

“I’ll take her.” I clear my throat. “But I need to see Nico first.”

“Okay, I can tell him you’re here. You have to keep positive, sweetie.” She manages a small smile before turning toward the large red door leading to the patient rooms.

I look up at Max. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”

He nods, rubbing my shoulder. “Yeah.”

I cough and the sob explodes out of my throat. “P-please take care of him, you guys. P-please d-don’t let anything happen to him.”

“You know we have his back, Shaye.” Rocco rakes a hand through his hair. “We’ve got this, okay?”

“J-just be careful,” I whisper, sniffing hard.

Rocco catches Max’s murderous gaze. “You know where we’re going, right?”

He nods. “I’ve got the address. They’re not gonna know what fucking hit them.”

“Make them pay, guys.” I wipe my eyes. “Make them wish they’d never brought Luca back.”

The red door swings open, and Nico walks out. His clothes are rumpled, like he’s been hunched over in a chair for the past hour. His hair is a mess, spiked and standing on end. But it’s his gaze that chokes me…the pain, the guilt, the anger, the void.

When he speaks, his voice is hollow. “Sloane told me you guys were here.” He grasps my wrist and leans down to whisper into my ear. “I thought I told you to stay away.”

I shake my head, afraid if I open my mouth to respond, I’ll lose my breakfast right here in the middle of the waiting room.

“We came as soon as we heard. I’m really sorry, man.” Rocco shakes his head. “Thank fuck he wasn’t with your mom and Lily.”

Nico nods. “Yeah…” I follow his eyes to Max. “I thought I fired you.”

“Yeah, but I’m willing to overlook your pretty large error in judgment,” Max replies, his face deadpan.

A shadow of a smile lifts Nico’s lips, and he pulls Max in for a hug, clapping him on the back. “Thanks for coming.”