“Yeah.” I roll my eyes. “I got that. But let’s not blow the roof off the place right away, okay? Can you handle that?”

She pretends to think about it, tapping a finger against her cheek. “You’re asking a lot. That’s not exactly my MO.”

“I’d love it if you can make an exception, just this once.”

She taps the toe of her shoe on the concrete and lifts an eyebrow. “I hate to break it to you, but strutting your fine ass in there is going to get you noticed. You’re officially on the radar once you walk through those doors.”

“I don’t want a massacre, Kat.”

“I get it. Except they’re never going to let you leave unless someone has bigger plans for you. Someone named Luca Cappodamo. How do you even know he’s here? Do you really think he’d be waiting for you to show up like this?”

“I think that’s exactly what he wants.”

She shakes her head. “I think whoever gave you this location knows you’re walking into a trap.”

“Impossible. Rocco’s dad gave me the address. He’s one of my most loyal guys.”

“Rocco, Rocco…” She furrows her brow. “Isn’t that the guy I almost popped?”

“Yeah. He and his dad are with us, not Luca.”

“And you’re sure about that?”

“I’d bet my life on it.” Ninety-nine percent, but I keep this last bit to myself. I have a lot of reasons to be suspicious of everyone right now, but I still can’t imagine that Santino would set me up. Not after everything my dad has done for him and his family.


The lump gets bigger and bigger with every passing second. I left without telling Max and Rocco to stay behind, but they haven’t shown up. Was that on purpose? Do they know something I don’t? Could it be because—?

Fuck! I hate feeling suspicious of every goddamn person surrounding me. My throat tightens as if it’s being squeezed by an invisible hand…a strong, beefy one at that. Breathing has become a definite issue, and it’s a really inconvenient time to pass out.

A sharp pain shoots down my left arm and no fucking way will I have a panic attack right here in front of Kat. I’m here for Luca. I’m not running away again. I’m going to face whatever waits for me beyond those dingy doors. If my guys fucked me, it’ll be a harsh reality to swallow but it’s not stopping me.

No fear. Just plain old fucking fury. It’s what courses through my veins and pushes me toward the entrance of the old hole-in-the-wall restaurant.

Kat’s heels click on the pavement behind me. “I think I should go in first. I’ll distract whoever is inside and that’ll give you some time.”

I don’t answer. I just keep walking, my focus on the door. What lies beyond is the great unknown. Could be death. Could be salvation. Either way, I’m about to find out.

“Nico? At least let me—”

I stop short, right before grasping the door handle. “Look, Kat. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but this is my shit show, okay? I’m here to settle up with Luca. I don’t need a diversion.”

“Stupid is as stupid fucking does,” she mutters as I pull open the door to the darkened space.

I squint, stepping into the foyer. The stench of rotting garbage immediately assaults my nostrils, and Kat gags a little behind me. My stomach rolls as the smell consumes me. The only light that streams into the place comes from the blinds covering the dirty windows. A couple of the slats are cracked enough to allow some brightness, but it’s not nearly enough to get a long and hard look at the apparently deserted restaurant. Flies buzz around my head, but I can’t see too far in front of my face.

“What the hell is that? It’s goddamn rancid!”

The smell gets stronger as I inch my way farther inside the place. It’s dark, dank, musty, and reeking of death. I take a few steps toward what looks to be a bar, my foot crashing into a heavy wooden chair leg. “Shit!” I hiss. My toe throbs from the impact, but I don’t let the pain stop me from trying to figure out why the fuck I’m here and who the fuck is waiting for me.

“You said Rocco’s dad gave you this address?” Kat whispers, creeping next to me with her gun in hand.

“Yeah.” I twist my head around to see a doorway in the far corner of the place. Light shines from underneath another door. “Someone’s back there,” I mumble, pointing.

“I can’t wait to find out who…or what…is waiting for us.”

A loud squeak sends Kat flying into me. She covers her mouth to prevent the shriek from erupting in the empty space. “Holy fuck!” she whisper-shouts.