A loud screeching noise jolts me, and a shiny black sports car swerves in front of my Audi.

“What the fuck?” I yell, shoving the steering wheel to the right so I avoid plowing into the jackass in front of me. A loud horn blares behind me, and I veer off the road right before hitting the guardrail along the exit ramp.

Gravel flies up around my car as it skids about fifty feet into the dirt, stopping right next to the one fucking tree on this road. I slam my hands on the steering wheel and take a deep breath. It does nothing. A sharp pain explodes down my back, and I let out a loud groan. “Motherfucker!”

I ease my foot off the brake and swivel the steering wheel back in the direction of the road. And just as quickly, I slam it back on the brake. “Jesus Christ!”

Katarina is standing in front of my car, arms folded, her blue eyes glowering at me. She shakes her head and crooks her index finger at me.

I throw the car into Park and push open the door. “Are you fucking insane, Kat? Why the hell would you do that? Did you ever hear of using your flashers to get someone’s fucking attention instead of running them off the goddamned road?”

“Nico,” she says, stepping forward in ridiculously high heels. “Trust me, I just saved your ass by doing that.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? There’s nobody else on the road!”

She cocks an eyebrow. “Dude, I’m talking about Luca Cappodamo! You’re on your way to find him, aren’t you? Do you have a death wish going in there alone?”

I let out a deep sigh and scrub a hand down my face. “Shaye called you.”

“Of course, she did, you dumbass! She’s petrified for you! So are your two sidekicks, by the way. They jumped into the game a little bit late, but lucky for you, my schedule was clear.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m so glad you all have such faith in me.”

“Listen, I respect what you’re trying to do, but let’s be real. This ain’t your bag.” She sticks her hands on her hips and flashes a wide smile. “Besides, my dad is away right now, working through some drug deal in Miami. So you’ve got me instead.”

“I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t need backup,” I grumble. “This has nothing to do with anyone but me, and I’m not going to let anyone else get hurt because of something I need to own up to. That’s why I didn’t call Viktor even though I knew he wanted a crack at Luca, too.”

“Don’t be a hero, Nico. This guy will split you in two with his bare hands. You saw what he’s capable of. Do you want to end up laying in a casket with your head sitting next to you instead of on your shoulders?”

“I’d like to not be in the casket at all.”

“Then let me come with you. I’ll stand down, but don’t go in there by yourself. I promise, I’ll let you take the shot. I won’t steal your thunder. But if shit goes sideways, at least someone’s got your back.”

I throw my hands into the air. If anything, my crew is fucking loyal to a T. “Fine, but you’re following me. And I go in first. I don’t need a bodyguard.”

She snickers. “I never offered protection. I just said I’d have your back. I’m not taking a bullet for you.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “You’re not exactly going for inconspicuous in that outfit. And you’re okay fighting in those shoes?”

“I’m not running a marathon. I’m potentially plugging a few bad guys.” She shrugs, checking herself out from behind. She smooths down the front of her low-cut, black tank top and runs her hands over her hips. The denim looks painted on, it’s so tight. “Why not look good doing it? Let them get a last look at the goods before I gauge out their eyeballs, you know? It’d be a nice parting memory for them, don’t you think?”

I shake my head and throw up my hands. “I don’t even have words, Kat.” I slide back into the driver’s seat and fire up the engine. “Let’s try to make it there in one piece.”

She salutes me and jumps back into her car, peeling out of the dirt after me. I pull back onto the exit ramp that spits us out onto a service road. Late afternoon sunshine peeks between the buildings lining the road. I glance down at the navigation system. Only a few more miles to go. The thudding in my chest becomes more intense with each passing minute. Shaye knew I needed backup. She always seems to know what I need.

I definitely need her, and I also know Kat isn’t about to stand guard and let me go in there alone. If anything, she gets off on the plugging part. She’d never let her friend down. Or me.

I flip on my blinker to take the next right turn down what appears to be a more desolate road than most around here. I pull into a parking lot next to the dilapidated restaurant I’m about to invade. There are a few cars scattered around, and the last thing I need is to have my car spotted. I want a quick getaway…from what, I still have no idea. But I don’t need anyone tipping off my old friend if my Audi should roll up on their turf.

I shut off the engine, and Kat jumps out of her car seconds later, waving me on. I take a deep breath. What’s the plan, Nico? Is there a plan? How the fuck is this going to play out? I’ve never been the guy who goes into something without a clear exit strategy.

I hope to hell the exit strategy for today doesn’t include wheeling me out in a body bag.

Kat raps on the window. “Wake up, Nico. Let’s shred his ass.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat and almost choke, it’s so damn big. I push open the door. “Did you ever want to fly under the radar? Just once?”

“Oh, hell no,” she responds with a big toothy grin. “I’m more of a Bam! Here I am! Let’s start this fucking party! kind of girl in case you didn’t already know that.” She winks at me and cocks her gun before sticking it in the waistband of her jeans. I have no clue how there is any bit of room in there, but somehow she manages.