Blinding headlights glare at me through my rearview mirror and I raise my arm to protect my eyes. I flip off my hazards, my throat tight. Just keep going, just keep going…

A large black SUV pulls to the side of the road, just in front of my car. A second one appears out of nowhere, stopping just before it rear-ends my Infinity Q60. My car is now sandwiched between them, and panic floods my body. My finger creeps over to the door and presses the lock button. As if that barrier is going to save me.

Three men spill out of the first SUV but nobody from the second vehicle joins them. Yet. I swallow hard, cowering in my seat. I fumble in the darkness for my phone and stab the dial button.

The men approach my car, one coming closer than the others. Dressed from head to toe in black. They look like classic movie-version cat burglars. But I know they are way worse than that. The man who is the closest slides back his black overcoat to reveal…I squint, swallowing a scream.

The line rings and rings…where the hell is he? Why isn’t he picking up? And even if he did, what the hell am I going to tell him? He can’t save me!

The man pulls out a gun and points it directly at me through the window. “Get out of the car, Shaye.”

My body freezes. He knows my name. How does he know my name? Who the hell is he? And what do they—?

He taps on the window with the tip of the gun. “I will shoot through the window and drag you out if I have to. But this whole thing would be much more civilized if you’d just open the door and save me the trouble.”

My finger trembles, hovering over the lock.

“Shaye! I’ve been calling you for an hour. Where are you? We need to talk. Now. Tell me where you are, and—”

My mouth drops open, but I can’t squeak out a single word. I don’t think, I don’t speak. I duck down, throw the car into Drive, and press the gas. The tire clunks on the ground, but at least I’m moving. Breaths come fast and furious, almost choking me.


The back window shatters into the car, and I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I lose control of the car, and it careens into a nearby pole.

“Shaye! What the fuck is going on?”

Another loud crack from the gun and my car is rendered immobile with a second flat tire. My shoulders quake, my hands shaking as I grab the phone and stutter out a plea…maybe my final plea. “Nico…someone…here…have guns…please…help…”

I push open the door just before the men get close enough to grab me and I leap out of the driver’s seat, tearing down the road in my insensible heels. They click and clack on the pavement with each panicked step away from the goons in hot pursuit. “Please help me!”

“Tell me where you are!”

A gaggle of tears catch in my throat as a beefy hand grasps my wrist from behind. I yank it out of his grip. “Leave me alone!”

One of the trucks blows past me, skidding to a stop in front of me, blocking my path. I clutch my phone to my chest, tears streaking my face. Another menacing thug steps out from the truck, a sinister smile on his face. “There’s nowhere to go, Shaye.”

“Shaye, who the fuck is that? Tell me who’s there with you!”

I shake my head. “I don’t know,” I whisper, my teeth chattering. Yes, the temperatures are below freezing, but I think it’s more due to the threat of impending death than anything else.

Another beefy hand grabs the phone from me. A deep growl emerges from the depths of his throat as he holds the phone up to his ear. “Why don’t you come and see for yourself, Salesi? I think it’s about time we met, don’t you?”


I hurlthe television remote against the wall. “Fuck!” That sonofabitch Cappodamo is behind this. There’s no doubt in my mind. I knew this would happen. I just didn’t plan on him baiting me like this. Tonight. I thought we’d have more fucking time to prepare. And I figured he’d go after my dad since he’s the one who pulled the plug on Oriani’s drug deal.

But my dad is the boss now. And if you try to take out the boss and fail…well, you’re pretty much fucked. So coming after me makes more sense. After all, I just moved into my role because of blood, not because of commitment.

I haven‘t proven a damn thing to anyone in this family except the fact that I can run a more successful business than any other capo and bring in more cash than all of those dipshits combined. That’s my claim to fame. Not brute force and bragging rights for the highest number of kills.

I look down at the address I typed into my phone. According to Google Maps, Cappodamo dragged her to some shithole warehouse in Bayonne, and I’m sure they aren’t the only two waiting for me. I fist my hair to keep my hand from smashing into a wall. If this bastard wants to play so badly, I need to get my team together, and unfortunately, one of the key players is in danger of dissenting.

I stab a set of numbers on my iPhone keyboard and wait. Two rings later, a deep, heavily accented voice growls at me. “Tell me it’s time.”

“It’s time. Get your guys together and meet me at 2134 Oil Refinery Way in Bayonne. They’ve got…” I swallow hard. “They’ve got my girl.”

A slow, deliberate laugh vibrates in my ear. “Then let’s get her back. Our way.”