Shaye is right. I love what I do. I love having the freedom to make decisions, to build businesses from scratch and watch the money pour into them as time passes. I love having people at my beck and call, people who are anxious to do me favors because they sense the power and control I have — things that they want for themselves, things they know I can provide them. I love knowing that I can do whatever I please and get whatever I want at any time. I’ve worked my ass off for those privileges, and they don’t come cheap. I’ve done my time. I’ve watched and learned. I’ve been groomed for this position. People put a lot of trust and faith in my ability to make them money, and I never disappoint.

But despite everything I’ve achieved, I know there’s always someone lurking, positioned to pull the rug out from under me because he thinks he can do it better. I pay for protection, just as my father does, but that doesn’t mean someone else’s money isn’t just as green. Loyalty is fleeting. If someone comes along with a grand plan and a hell of a lot of cash behind him, my good looks and charm won’t be able to protect my position for too long.

Grandpa made sure to keep me front and center, letting everyone know, in no uncertain terms, that his protégé would eventually carry on his legacy. But for as strong as I appear to be, I know I’m vulnerable. We all are. All it takes is one bullet and someone with a motive.

Santino stands up and reaches for my hand. “Thank you so much, Nico. Rocco won’t let you down. He knows how fortunate he is to have this chance to prove himself to you.”

Yeah, except he doesn’t. Rocco doesn’t have any desire to be perceived as my peon. He always wanted more for himself, always thought he should be on top, which is why he went behind everyone’s backs and started taking those bets without permission. He knew the gambling business was run by deVincenzo, but he didn’t give a fuck. He only cared about making money. Screw the consequences. That’s his MO. Hence, the reason why he shot off his big ass mouth the other day. He’ll never appreciate any bones I throw his way. And for that reason, he’ll stay at the bottom, exactly where he belongs and exactly where I want him. Santino doesn’t need to know that, though.

I nod and shake Santino’s hand. “Tell him I’ll be in touch. And tell him this stays between us until further notice. I’ll handle the details and make sure people are aware of his position once everything is finalized. But right now, it’s important to keep this under wraps. Are we clear?”

Santino nods his head. “Yes. I appreciate it, Nico.” He puts on his cap and hobbles over to the door.

“Take care of that leg.” I smirk when he looks my way. “Don’t chase the ladies so hard. Let them come to you.”

He chuckles. “Will do. Take care of yourself, Nico.”

“Duke will show you out.” I fold my fingers together and watch the door close. I know I’ve forever gained the loyalty of Santino Lucchese. His son, on the other hand, is a liability.

I get up and open the door, motioning for Carlo Batta, one of my other trusted security guards. He steps into my office and stands at attention.

“Relax, Carlo. Shut the door and take a seat.”

He does what I ask and sinks into one of the chairs. “What do you need, boss?”

“I’m going to need you to keep an eye on someone for me. I’m putting him on the payroll, but he’ll be doing something small, just to help him get on his feet.”

Carlo nods. “Anything you need.”

“We need to keep this quiet, though. Just between you and me. You watch him, listen to his conversations, follow him, and let me know what he’s up to, okay?”

“Are you gonna tell me who?”

I sigh. “Yes, I’ll let you know in the next couple of days. I need to iron out some details first.”

“Okay, boss.” Carlo stands up and walks out of the office, closing the door behind him. I rub the back of my neck. The more people we have in our corner, the better positioned we are to keep Grandpa’s legacy alive.

A loud knock startles me, and the door creaks open. Speak of the devil.

“Glad you finally decided to show up tonight.” I look up to find Max standing in my doorway, the edge in his voice making me furrow my brow. I hope to hell there are no issues downstairs.

“Is everything okay down there?”

Max shrugs, his mouth stretched into a thin line. “Typical bullshit. They’re all hammered or high. Actually, both in most cases. Fucking like rabbits all over the place.”

“Discretion comes with a pretty steep price tag. And the other guests we brought in?”

He averts his eyes, fists clenching and unclenching by his sides. “They’re doing their part to make the event a raging success, as usual.”

“Any of them turn your head?” The promise of sex usually lightens up his mood.

“Plenty, but I don’t know if I’m up for it tonight.” He rakes a hand through his hair. “I saw Sloane before.”

“I heard. And? Did something happen?” I lean forward on my elbows. “Have you spoken to her?” At least his shitty mood makes sense now.

“Nah.” Max shrugs. “There’s not much to say. Come on, you’re here now. Let’s take a walk downstairs.”

I follow him to the private elevator reserved for me and anyone I choose to take with me. Everyone else knows to use the stairs, basically because I have the key and they can’t get inside of it without me.