
Three soft little knocks at the front door have me springing off the couch like my ass is on fire. Channel surfing has done little to keep my mind off of work. Even in the quiet peace of my own home, the feeling of being slowly suffocated always manages to consume me. Maybe that’s why I asked Shaye to come over. Maybe having Shaye in my bed will chase away everything that plagues me on a nightly basis. Or maybe I just need her because she fills the void that has been eating away at my heart since she stepped onto that plane months ago.

I walk to the front door and pull it open. My lips curl upward just seeing her on my stoop, almost as if I’ve been given confirmation that she wants this as badly as I do. “Hey,” I murmur, holding out a hand.

She takes it and steps inside, kicking off the short boot things she’s wearing. I eye the heel and wonder how she managed to avoid breaking her neck on the ice on my driveway and front walkway, but she’s a girl, and they seem to have some magical power over the elements when it comes to wearing heels. “Hey,” she says, a tinge of pink coloring her cheeks.

I reach up and slide the beanie off of her head, freeing her blonde waves. They flow around her shoulders, which I decide I need to see more of right at this moment. I unbutton her coat, and she shrugs it off, revealing a low-cut black top that gives me an insta-hard-on.

But the art of restraint is one that I perfected long ago. I want more than anything to feel her soft skin under my fingertips, to feel the curves of her body pressed against me, to hear her moans of pleasure when I fill her with everything I have to give.

She needs to know this is more than sex, that I want so much more than that.

I want it all, and she’s it.

We may only have a few weeks before she goes back to Miami, but I’m not letting her go until she believes, to her very core, that this thing between us is the forever kind. And that leaves me with a lot of convincing to do.

I hang her coat on the rack, and cup her face with my hands, bringing my mouth down to hers. I graze them slowly. The flavor of bubble gum lingers on her lips, reminding me of that sweet innocence, the one I took away from her only days before.

No, this is so much more than just sex.

“I’m glad you came,” I whisper against her mouth, unwilling to drag myself away from that kiss but knowing that if I continue, I’ll lose control of my body. I’ve already lost control of my heart, so I don’t have much left to cling to at this point.

She gazes up at me, quiet for a second. I can see a lot of apprehension in those half-hooded blue eyes, and I want to chase it all away. There’s only one way to do that, and it isn’t carrying her up to my bedroom. Not yet, anyway.

“I’m still not sure why I’m here, Nico.”

“I needed to see you.”

She cocks her head to the side, the long pink tips grazing the side of her breast. I try hard not to look because if I let my eyes linger there for one second too long, I’ll forget about my plans and slide that shirt right off of her shoulders. “I know, but this is dangerous. And stupid. And—"

“Perfect.” My hands move from her face down to her arms. “That’s what comes to my mind, Shaye.”

Her eyes widen, mouth agape. “I wasn’t expecting that…from you.”

I drop my head, nuzzling her ear, inhaling the sweet fruity scent of her hair. My head is woozy, as if I’m drunk on the emotions coursing through me, and I don’t know how to respond. I’ve always been in complete control of everything, especially my feelings. I have no tells, and I like it that way. It gives me an edge. But with Shaye, I have no advantage. She may think I hold the cards, but she’s wrong. So dead wrong.

Shaye presses her body into me, tilting her head back, giving my lips full access to the smooth column of her neck. They tingle with temptation, but I cannot give in to the urge. She doesn’t trust me. I can tell she wants to, but I haven’t done much to convince her that I’m not the guy she thinks I am, the guy I was so long ago.

Life has hardened me, and I don’t like who I’ve become. Obligation has filled me with regret. I don’t expect her to believe in me right away. Hell, I’ve given her plenty of reasons to run in the opposite direction, but yet here she is, plastered against me…so close that I can feel the quick beat of her heart in time with my own.

“I know what I want.” My fingers tangle in her soft waves, my cock straining against my jeans. It’s a silent plea for release, but tonight isn’t about me. It’s about her.

She leans her head against my chest. “This is a bad idea. I can’t…I won’t be able to…I’m leaving soon, and…I mean, what if someone finds out? Max will murder you. My father will probably murder me…”

I tilt her chin up so I can gaze deep into her soulful eyes. There was always so much going on in her expressions. It was something I’d grown to love about her. Unlike me, she could never hide her true feelings. Or play poker, for that matter. Tells. She has them all. And tonight is no exception. “Shaye, you knew the risks when you came over here.”

“I didn’t ever claim to be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, did I?” She puffs out her chest and cocks an eyebrow, her lips in a half-smirk. Her snarky tone coupled with that come-hither look is sexy as fuck. I have to clench my fists to keep myself from throwing her on my couch and stripping her bare.

Good God, I want to shove my dick in her mouth so badly right now…

I close the space between us, hovering over her, trying to prove…what, exactly? That she can bring me to my knees with a flip of her hair? That she always could, even though I’ve never let on to it? I’ve never allowed myself to be so affected by a woman, and when she left for Miami, I told myself a million times over it was for the best. Being in love with your best friend’s sister is bad enough, but when it’s Maximo Oriani’s little sister? That’s grounds for complete and utter decimation in his eyes.

“Tell me something.” I place my hands on her shoulders. “Are the risks worth it? The sneaking around, the lying...does it change the way you feel? Does it change what you want?”

She doesn’t move. Not a single muscle. She just stares me down, even though I have two hands on her. My chest is so tight. There were never any promises made, not on either of our parts. She’s still leaving…moving on from this life. I’m staying behind, immersed in an existence I was plunged into without a thought. Only Shaye can yank me out. She’s my lifeline. She’s fucking everything, and I can’t let her leave until she knows it.

I have to figure out how to make this thing between us work while she’s in Miami. I won’t let her slip through my fingers again, and I’ll wait as long as it takes for her to come back to me.