With a roll of her eyes, she squeezes my hand. “I’m going back to school in a few weeks. Max is your best friend. My father will kill me, and then you—”

“Hey, I’m not saying it’ll be easy. And I wouldn’t advise saying anything to anyone about it. But, Shaye…I’ve waited too long to taste you, and now I’m fucking addicted. You’re just gonna kick me to the curb and fly back to Miami?”

“I have to go back.”

“I know, but it doesn’t mean this has to end. Give us a shot.” I snicker. “No pun intended.”

A giggle escapes her lips. “It’s not funny.”

“Agreed. So let’s keep it quiet. I’d really like to be able to fuck you again, but I can’t do that if they chop off my dick.”

Her expression sobers. “Do you really think this can work? Are we kidding ourselves? There’s nothing normal about the way we live, Nico. Why should this be an exception?”

“Because it’s us. It can be whatever we want it to be.”

She looks at me, her light eyes filled with hope, her face shadowed with doubt.

“Trust me, Shaye. You just have to want it bad enough.”

She lets out an unsteady breath and nods, her pink-tipped blonde curls bouncing over her shoulders. “I do. I always have.”

“I’ll figure it out. It won’t be easy, but it’ll be worth it.”

A knock at the side of the wall startles her and she releases my hand, jumping back against a chair. The curtain opens, and my dad appears, his faced lined with worry. He manages a smile for Shaye. “Thank you so much for letting us know what happened and for getting Nico here. We’re so grateful to you and Max.”

She nods. “Of course. I’m just going to wait outside.” Her eyes float back to mine. “I’ll come and say goodbye before we leave.”

“Okay.” I watch as she pulls the curtain aside and tosses a quick glance over her shoulder. “Thanks.”

Dad watches her leave, and when he turns back to me, his eyes are heavy, laden with worry and fear. “Nico, the police said it was a hit-and-run. Did you see anything suspicious about the car that hit you?”

“No, nothing. The snow was coming down really hard. I could barely see. The car, it was a big, black SUV. But nobody inside made themselves known.” I pause. “Dad, there was a—”

“I know all about it, son. The dinner in Atlantic City.”

“What the hell is going on? Does this have to do with what you told me? Is Cappodamo involved?”

He nods, pressing his fingertips to his temples. “Nobody is safe, Nico. This was a warning, and it could have been a lot worse.”

“What are you going to do? What if somebody tries to come after Mom or Lily?” The blood boils in my veins at the thought that one of those asshole thugs would even consider laying a finger on either of them. If it happened, I would bury the motherfucker that dared touch them.

“I don’t know. But what I do know is that you need to keep a low profile. Meet with Rocco, focus on your business, and let me try to figure this out. I’m waiting for some more information, and once I get it I’ll let you know.”

“Okay, Dad. But you know this will get worse once word gets out that Rocco and I are working together. Tony will flip the fuck out if he knows we’re trying to expand our crew without including them. And Max…I don’t think I need to tell you what he’ll do.”

My dad’s eyes narrow. “Be careful. I’ve already told you too much, enough to put you in severe danger. Keep your eyes open. Any situation you wander into is an opportunity for them to send another message.”

“Dad, I think they’ve made it pretty clear that they’ll find me, one way or another.”

“Just do what I say, Nico.” His expression implores me to agree, but he’s hiding something. I can always tell when he is trying to withhold information. He has one tell — he always cracks his thumb and forefinger. I never see him do it any other time except when he’s trying to avoid giving an explanation about something. This is one of those times. He knows something, but he’s not saying. That means it’s big. And bad.

“I promise, Dad. I’ll lay low. Whatever you need me to do.”

Except I won’t…because I can’t.