A deep flush creeps over her face and she averts her eyes. “I, um, have plans. But maybe we’ll catch up again before I leave.”

“Count on it.” Rocco bends down to ruffle Lily’s hair. “Enjoy the Cinnabon, little lady. Make sure your big bro watches a little more closely next time. Shit can happen real fast.” His eyes narrow at me when he speaks those last few words. My spine stiffens, and I suddenly wish for the baseball bat sitting on my bedroom floor to magically appear in my hand, despite the fact that I’m supposed to be working with this douchebag now. I’m not trusting this asshole at all.

“Bye, Rocco!” Lily looks up at me and grins, a stream of glaze drizzling out of the corner of her mouth. “This is yummy. I wonder if Snickers would like it. I think I’ll bring it home for him.”

Shaye lifts her head, her blue eyes holding the question that I still have yet to answer. Then she blinks, and it’s gone, as if she already knows the answer. She thinks she does, but she doesn’t. Only I do.

That sonofabitch Rocco thinks he was sending me a message with that little stunt. Like I’ve never considered what can happen to the people I love if I make one misstep, piss off one too many goons, take a little too much away from those who can’t catch a break.

It’s why I sent Shaye away all those months ago.

It’s because I love her, and I need to keep her safe. There’s too much at risk, especially with Cappodamo lurking in the shadows.

Sounds good in theory, but the reality? Fucking torture of the worst kind, more so now that I’ve had a taste of what can never be mine.

It doesn’t stop me from wanting her, but it has to stop me from taking her…again and again and again.

My self-control when it comes to Shaye is stretched to the point where it’s going to snap like a rubber band. I need to keep her safe. I need her with me. I need to keep her safe. I need her with me. Christ, I feel like there’s a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth between my ears, goading me.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Lilibelle.” Shaye gives Lily a quick hug and tucks a stray strand of hair back into her hat. “Goodbye, Nico.”

She’s gone before I can even respond. Maybe it’s better that way. I can’t seem to get the right words out, not that I have a clue what those words even are. I don’t deserve to have a captive audience if I can’t figure out how to deliver my message. Still, I watch as she disappears into the crowd of mall-goers, wondering why I can’t get this right, and if she’d even give me a chance to do just that.

Lily shoves another spoonful of yogurt into her mouth. “I still need to get another friend for Mr. Pickles.” She holds out a little chick in her tight fist. “You only gave me enough money for one stuffed animal.”

Lucky Mr. Pickles. Guy has more friends than I do. I guess they’re easy to keep when you can’t speak or move…basically, when you can’t do anything that’ll alienate them.

Hmm. Maybe I’ll have that kind of luck in my next life.