Page 47 of Twisted Tyrant


“If he laid a finger on you, I will destroy him. I’m talking gouge out his eyes, gut him, and tear the skin from his bones before grinding them into dust kind of torture.”

I recoil at the visual Luka has just painted for whomever he’s talking to in the living room. I cower in a corner, hoping to hell he doesn’t catch me eavesdropping.

I've seen Luka mad before, but I’ve never heard him react like this. Right now, he sounds so furious I feel scared, and for the first time, it's not a fear I have for myself.

It's for him.

His out-of-control anger could get him killed.

Jesus. Is he always so barbaric?

The hairs on my arms prickle at his next furious outburst. Oh, who the fuck am I kidding? I love that he’s so barbaric. Especially with me.

“Luka, I can take care of myself,” a female voice says. “You need to give me a little more credit.”

He’s been in the living room with this girl for a few minutes from what I can tell. I’d been in the safe room composing music in my head to calm the fuck down after that whole computer picture episode...and after my very erotic half-asleep, half-very much awake fantasy about Luka.

My mind may have been on the fuzzy side, but my body?

Thoughts of Luka had it exploding like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

A delicious shiver slips down my spine, and I do a little shimmy in response.

I haven’t seen him since I woke up this morning. Part of me knew to stay away, the other part secretly hoped he’d come to find me. He didn’t, and I’m still trying to swallow that jagged little pill, because even though I know what he wants, he won’t give in to it.

I, on the other hand, am so ready to give in to whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. I’m a freaking prisoner, and I can’t stop fantasizing about him — the evil and gorgeous god of a man who has threatened me countless times and assaulted my body even more.

Sick. That’s the only word I can use to describe what’s going on in my head right now…and in my heart.

I peel myself out of the corner, creep forward, and press my ear against the doorway leading into the foyer. I don’t want anyone to catch me skulking around, but I need to know what the hell is happening right now, especially since it might mean my time with Luka is about to end.

The wedding I’m being ordered to attend is fast approaching and then…

He’s leaving Miami.

My stomach roils at the thought, despite everything that’s happened between us.

I edge closer, trying to catch another snippet of the terse conversation in the living room.

“Val, something is up, and if it’s not about Dmitri, then what is it? And whose ass am I kicking?”

Val. Could that be his sister? The one who’s getting married? Who’s Dmitri?

A smile plays at my lips as Luka unleashes his badass tirade. He’s so protective. It’s sexy as hell. And whoever this Dmitri guy is, he’d better not have fucked around on Val because I’ve seen what Luka will do if anyone hurts someone he cares about.

Like smearing someone all over the walls of a safe room.

That has to mean something, right?

I wring my hands together, listening intently.

“I’m just…” Val sighs. “Having a hard time dealing with Dad. You know he’s got business with Denis, Dmitri’s father, right?”


“Well, there are things that they’re ironing out about some new deal,” she continues. “And it’s been tense. They can’t come to an agreement, and everyone is pissed off. It’s just not ideal to happen before the wedding, you know?”