Page 27 of Twisted Tyrant

She will be a constant reminder.

A trophy.

Arm candy.

Nothing else.

He can’t give her what she wants because he’s too focused on what he wants.

My phone rings as I walk toward the front door. Dima’s name flashes on my screen. I stab the Accept button to answer. “What do you want?”

“Are you taking good care of my fiancée?”

“Shouldn’t you be taking good care of your fiancée?” I snap.

“I would, but I’ve got a lot going on and she needs to be watched. She’s a runner and she’ll take off if she’s not under lock and key.”

“Right, and that’s because you know so much about her.”

“You did some reconnaissance. Big fucking deal. That makes you an expert in all things Natasha now?”

“I’m not your lackey. She’s not my responsibility.”

“The fuck she’s not. Remember how you severely fucked us the night you got arrested? Remember how many times before that you screwed up a deal or killed the wrong person or led the Feds straight to our doorstep because you couldn’t keep control of yourself? Because you had to do things your way, always?” he says. “This time you do them my way. Or else you’ll be running back to the clink. Straight into gen pop.”

I wrap my fingers tight around the phone, imagining it’s Dima’s throat I’m choking. Nikita picks that second to dart over and paw at me.

“I don’t have time for your bullshit threats.” I let Nikita out the door off of my kitchen instead of the front since he doesn’t like an audience when he does his business. “The dresses are here, but the only thing she’s more repulsed by than your tacky choices is being your wife. She’s pretty much set on death over marriage, so good luck with that.”

I click to end the call, toss the phone on a nearby chair, and stalk to the front door. Gritting my teeth, I twist the handle and pull it open.

Without checking the fucking camera feed.

Now I’m staring into Ilya’s bloody and bruised face…

And the gleaming steel blade pointed right at his carotid artery.

One jab and he’s gone.

“Luka Malikov,” one of the two men flanking Ilia hisses. He points a Glock 19 at me and pokes me in the chest with the barrel, pushing me backward into the house. “We heard you snatched a virgin princess for your brother to marry. And we’re here to kill her.”