Page 24 of Petal

I know the answer.


“I’ll be right there,” I blurt. “Slate, I need you to locate him. Right away. Check the entrance points coming from town.”

It’s on, baby.

And I head to the door as adrenalin starts pumping through my veins.



I tapmy foot on the floor as I sit on the edge of the bed, my elbows on my knees, my hands propping my chin.

Katura and I have been sitting in our room for hours.

It makes me mad.Archermakes me mad.

The sun is setting, the orange glow licking the walls of the room.

What can I possibly do to find out about the Eastside and maybe try to get back to Kai?

What if he is on his way?

What if Archer sent another team to do worse damage?

If Archer wanted a payback, why isn’t he doing anything with me?

And Abby…

The news of her death is like an echo bouncing off the walls in a hollow cave. Did I get immune to trauma? I don’t know. I came all this way for her. But Kai became the most important person in my life. If I lose him too, there is no more carrying on. I can’t. He is a glimpse of what happy means in this hopeless world.

“I won’t sit like this while Kai might be in danger,” I say, finally rising from the bed.

I don’t even know what I need to do, but surely I can snoop around like Katura, finding out things, talking to people. Not everyone is as psychotic as Archer.

The soft knock at the door turns both our heads.

It’s Marlow, and his expression is grim.

“The guys from the Eastside have been captured.”

My heart slams in my chest as I hold my breath.

He leans on the door and meets my eyes. “Kai wasn’t with them.”

I release a breath of relief but also worry.

“They set a security tower on fire, diverted several guards, injured some, but it’s nothing major.”

“Are they all right?” I start shaking with nervousness while Katura listens calmly.

“Yeah. Archer gave the orders not to shoot.” Marlow slicks his hair with his hand, taking a moment of silence. “They were locked up. I talked to them briefly.”

I swallow hard. “Like prison?”

“We have holding cells. They are not as bad as they sound. Usually for local damage control. Everyone else is sent to the jail in town.”