Page 53 of Petal

There are people inside the villa, too. The shutters are raised, the glass flickering with shadowed silhouettes.

And finally, His Majesty!

Archer comes up to the window, his eyes on his phone as always. He is more than forty feet away, a level higher than where I am hiding. It feels like I am looking up at God.

Jeez, girl, tone down the admiration, I hiss to myself.

But my increasing heartbeat seems to agree with the brief thought. If Archer never opened his mouth or twitched his lips in a sardonic way, he would’ve been perfect. They should make portraits from him.

He is too far away, but I can tell his face is bruised. But his body in a black button-up shirt and black jeans is still delicious.

He doesn’t take his eyes off the phone in his hands as he takes a sip from his drink. Always with a drink. Not a good sign for his age. And there it is—another smirk, or a half-smile, as his thumb swipes over the screen.

I want to be there, in that living room, talk to him, have a drink, a smoke, learn more about him. He is like an ice cream—cold and in a fancy wrapper, but you want to take that wrapper off and lick it to find out the flavor. I bet he is hot in bed. Men like this are either methodically boring or fire.

I’m motionless in the shadows, looking up at the window at the man who is a mystery that fascinates me way too much.

A girl comes up to him from behind and massages his shoulders. She is wearing a lace mini-dress. Her dark mane of hair is pulled over one shoulder. She is much shorter than him even in her stilettos. Her red lips near Archer’s ear as she whispers something to him. He responds without taking his eyes off the phone.

Yes, Big Dick, all around.

The girl slides her hand around his waist and down south, and starts rubbing his cock through his pants.

I shift and lean on the palm tree, licking my lips as I gaze up at the window.

I wish I was closer.

Is he hard?

Archer smiles, staring at his phone, as the girl’s hand unzips him.

Fuck, I want to see this. My fingers dig into the tree trunk as I hold my breath. She will jerk him off. Babe, please do! I wanna see this.

Archer only smiles broader and says something.

The girl’s hand stops and zips him back up.


I only just now realize that I am so turned on that the disappointment hits me like a brick when Archer turns around, says something to the girl, and disappears, leaving her with her hand on her hip and a pout on her face.

I should leave. I can get in trouble—thatthought sounds like a promise if it has anything to do with the Chancellor.

The silhouettes in the window flicker here and there, but no one else comes into view.

That’s when I hear the sound of the front door opening, and I retreat deeper into the shadows.

It’s that girl again, and she is leading a guy by the hand and toward the gazebo that is only thirty or so feet away. She giggles, and the guy chuckles as he gropes her, making her squeal. “You like open spaces, doll face?”

She giggles.

“I’m all good with it. A little tryst in full view? All for it.”

They make out. The gazebo is lit up, and I can see everything in detail as the girl pushes the guy onto the bench and straddles him.

Alright, hold up. I’ll watch. Just for a moment.

I lean on the tree and watch hungrily. I like this stuff. She is an escort, so I am not exactly invading their privacy, especially considering the gazebo is in full view.