Page 35 of Petal

“Those two”—he nods at the cage—“were like brothers back in the day. Then stopped talking after the accident. Rumor has it the Secretary had suspicions about the first nuclear attack. So…”

“I fucking knew it!” I say too loudly, then cover my mouth with my hand. “I fucking knew it,” I say quieter.

“Yeah… So make your own conclusion.”

Well, well, if the soap opera didn’t just get soapier.

“Are you saying that Archer actually saved Kai?”

Marlow shrugs. But I feel hairs stand up on my arms. Damn. Thisistwisted.

“I’ll confront Archer one day,” I say.

A bearded guy next to me, with tattoos on his neck, is grinning slyly at me. “What’s up, honey?”

I roll my eyes.

A security guy is suddenly behind me, just standing there but staring down from his six feet of bulky height at the tattooed guy.

I exchange looks with Marlow who turns and scowls at him, “We are fine.”

The security guy pushes the bearded schmuck away from me and stands by my side. He is not much protection against the guys pushing at us from all directions as they howl and cheer at the fighters.

“Ne sviazyvajsia s kantslerom.” Marlow tells me in Russian not to mess with the Chancellor.

I only grin. “Posmotrim.” We’ll see.

“Ja seriozno. Ne igrai s omnium.” Seriously, don’t play with fire.


I appreciate the concern, but really, there is nothing that I want more than for this Kai-Archer bullshit to get sorted out and to learn more about Zion’s own Tony Stark.

Something changed in the cage. Both Kai and Archer swing punches at each other. More often. More viciously. But now it’s not just Kai’s face that is red—Archer’s nose is bleeding. They are getting exhausted. There are no timeouts. No breaks. This will go on until one of them falls. I hope it ends then.

They are almost the same heights and build, but everything about them is completely different—the way they act, talk, look at others.

Kai grew angrier. His moves are heavy, like those of a bulldog that, once gets its jaw locked on the attacker, won’t let go.

Archer is like a fencer. His moves are a war dance. His steps are light despite his tall broad form. But they are getting slower, too.

The smirk doesn’t leave his face. And when Kai swipes a punch at him, sending him stumbling back, he laughs, wiping his mouth.

The motherfucker laughs!

Which makes me only smile in awe.

He is a psychopath.

He is fire.

And I’d like to feel his burn. Just a little.

That’s when Archer says something to Kai with a backward nod. Evoking anger seems to be Archer’s talent, because Kai charges at him. Archer ditches the punch, then sucker punches Kai in the gut, making Kai fold, and kicks him in the face with his knees, sending him flying to the floor as his blood sprays the octagon.

And the crowd goes wild.