Page 6 of Outcast

And then the rain starts pouring so fast and with such force that we are soaked in seconds before all of us manage to pile into the captain’s cabin. We scramble on the floor, rocking side to side as the deafening sound of the rain and the crashing waves against the fiberglass drown the shouts of the crew members.

My heart is violently slamming in my chest.

This is not good.

I gape at Katura, whose eyes are sparkling viciously as if she were born into a storm.

“We’ll be fine, babe, just keep close to me,” she says.

I nod, thinking that if I stick close to her, I might make it to wherever we end up.

She pats her pockets. “Shit. I don’t have another joint.”

I want to laugh at her casualness when she exhales in disappointment.

Then a roar comes from the outside.

“Hold o-o-o-n!”

And Katura says the words that make my insides turn icy-cold.

“Are you a good swimmer?”

I am not.

I feel dizzy.

That’s when the boat slams against something hard and sends us all flying.



It’s a disaster.

We are tossed and slam into each other like sacks of potatoes.

And then there is water.

So much water…

“Grab the life ring!” Katura shouts as the waves smash against the boat that is suddenly tilted.

We are on the deck, crouching, sliding, being pounded by waves.

I can’t see because of the water splashing into my face.

There are screams, roars, and deafening thunder.

A massive wave crashes over our heads and sends us plastered to the floor.

I am sliding.

Someone grabs me and shoves something hard into my chest—a life ring.

“Grab it and don’t let go!” Katura shouts.

And then we are thrown overboard by another powerful wave.