“And you’ll never have to.”

* * *

The knock on the door has every muscle in my body going stiff with tension. I take a deep breath and make my way across the room, the swishing of my skirts the only sound other than the pounding of my heart.

This is it: I’m going to be face-to-face with the queen tonight.

Will she try to kill me? That is the only thought stronger than my worry for Darius, Baxter, and Lucien.

I twist the lock and turn the knob to reveal the Captain of the Guard on the other side.

“Follow me,” he says. Felix steps back and waits for me to enter the hallway before striding off. “Don’t dawdle.”

I lift my chin and keep my steps even, refusing to speed up. This palace is nothing but a battleground. Everything I do is a strategic move that could succeed in prolonging my life or end with me dying.

That’s to say nothing of the men I care for.

I’d die to protect them.

My black dress reflects my somber mood and the darkness that lingers in the shadows of this place. And in my memories. Some have returned, bringing tears to my eyes, while others make my heart beat faster with longing.

Most carry unwanted images that are best left alone.

Felix looks at me from over his shoulder, his brows snapping together. I hold his gaze and look at him with a quiet disdain born from a lifetime of being royalty. The soldier halts, waiting with his arms crossed until I reach his side.

I hold out my arm expectantly. He, in turn, places my hand on his forearm before continuing onward. One battle of wills complete. The victory being mine.

“How does my mother fare?” I ask, keeping my tone a note just above bored. “Has there been a change with the White King and Queen in my absence?”

Felix side-eyes me, working his jaw. “The queen is well and her reign continues, as you will see in a moment. Her advisor has encouraged our monarch to avoid war with the White kingdom thus far.”

“Advisor?” I scrunch my face, searching my memories for such a person. “Some of my memories were taken from me and this advisor must’ve been among them. Who is he?”

“Reece is his name. He has been by your mother’s side since you went missing.”

“That explains it.” When Felix nods, I continue my line of inquiry. “What can you tell me about him?”

The captain’s gaze immediately shutters.

My vigilance rises, my senses heightening. Felix’s pulse thunders so loudly that I stare straight ahead to avoid looking at his neck. I’m sure the vein bulges there as his heart struggles to regulate itself.

Nothing jumpstarts the heart more than fear.

Except love.

I remove that trail of thought from my mind before I lose my focus. Surviving is the goal. If I don’t, I won’t be with the men I care about. That would be a greater tragedy than me dying.

“Captain?” I prompt.

Felix clears his throat and adjusts the patch over his eye. “Reece is a powerful individual.”

“How so?”

“Because he has your mother’s ear, whispering bits of influence to her.” The soldier glances around the hallway before leaning close to me. “No one knows exactly what his magic does and I would warn you to exercise caution when around him.”

I squeeze Felix’s arm in a show of support. “Thank you for telling me, despite not wanting to.”

“You’re correct.” The side of his mouth quirks in a lopsided grin. “However, because you’re royalty, I’m bound to serve you. Not just your mother. And by right, you are my future queen.”