Even if it’s only for a little while.



Lucien not only invades my waking thoughts, but my dreams as well.

He’s not alone. Darius and Nox are there, making my fantasies epic. It’s the only place where Baxter and I get along, since he’s there too.

Well, there and my one memory of us.

The need to know the mystery surrounding him gnaws at me, bringing me out of sleep. Lucien continues to slumber beside me and I take the opportunity to simply look at him. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m falling for him.

With a sigh, I extricate myself from his hold and slide from the bed. My steps are light as I make my way to the bathroom and throw on a robe I found in the armoire earlier.

“Where are you flying off to, little bird?”

With my hand on my chest and my heart racing, I spin to find Lucien reclining on the bed. “You scared me.”

He nods, and a lock of his midnight hair falls over his brow. His devil-may-care look is making it hard to leave, but I can’t let Baxter torture me any longer. One way or another, I’ll get the answers I’m seeking.

Even if they crush me.

“Tell me, or I’m taking my cane to your ass.”


Lucien sits up the tiniest bit, and I go still. “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” he says. “Where are you going?”

“I wanted to visit the greenhouse… and then talk to Baxter.”

“I knew this was coming. Very well, but don’t provoke the man, not unless you intend to bleed him out. Also, keep in mind that I’m not above killing him.”

My entire body softens at Lucien’s protective nature. “I know. Thank you.”

On an impulse, I race over to him and throw my arms around his neck. He laughs until I silence him with a kiss. I pull away faster than I’d like. If I don’t, I’ll be on my back with Lucien inside me.

“What was that for?” he asks.

“Can’t I show you affection?”

He shrugs. “Of course. But my cock wants some as well.”

I shake my head and blow him a kiss. Forgoing footwear, I leave the bedroom. Once outside, I revel in my decision to remain barefoot when my toes sink into the grass. The sunshine sheds light on my soul, and I imagine it warming my insides, keeping the gloom away.

The beautiful harmonies within the greenhouse add to my gaiety.

With deliberate slowness, I open the door and step inside. My senses are assaulted all at once. The song’s notes grace my ears. The beauty of the blossoms stimulates my vision. And the scent of the flowers waft under my nose. I close my eyes and simply let the atmosphere of the place envelop me.

At the sound of a deep voice joining the sopranos and altos, I look around. There’s no one. Come to think of it, I’m not certain where the feminine voices are originating from in the first place.

I follow the path down the aisle, using my hearing to draw me closer to whoever’s singing. After turning around the corner, I stumble to a halt, right before retreating into the leaves of a nearby plant.

Singing flowers. Of all varieties. Roses, violets, daisies…

Sitting in the midst of them is Baxter.

This is why he smelled like roses earlier. He was here.