“So you say.”

“So Iknow.”

My sigh is long and loud. “What games could we play?”

“My favorite is chess. It amuses me the way the pieces move. There’s no logic to them, yet they come together in a way that progresses the game.”

“It’s been so long since I’ve played that…” I search my mind for the rest of the thought and come up empty. “It’s very frustrating not remembering anything. I know Baxter broke through more of my shields since I recalled a time with him back at the palace, but at this rate, I’ll be old and gone before everything becomes clear.”

Lucien makes a noncommittal sound that has me playfully smacking his arm.

“You’re so violent,” he says. “I love that about you.”

“So chess?”


A while later, I’m ready to make Lucien bleed from every orifice in his stupid head.

I slam down a pawn while glaring at him. “How can you be so good at this?”

“You’ll find there are few things in this life that I can’t perform expertly. When you ride my cock, you’ll understand.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“And you’re losing.” He gestures to my king and queen, my two remaining white pieces, surrounded by his black ones. “One move left.”

I’m two seconds from sweeping my arm over the chessboard, to clear it before I smash it against his smug face. Instead I get up and walk over to the window. “Take the win.”

“I will, along the other three.”

I make a face at him. “You’re not a gracious winner. Quite a dick, actually.”

“Alldick, my dear.”

My lips twitch to hold in my amusement, but my smile perseveres. “You’re ridiculous.”

He tips his hat at me.

“What's so special about that one?” I ask. “You wear it, no matter your outfit.”

“It was a gift.”

“From whom?”

His gaze turns glacial, and the air around me chills. “It’s not important.”

“You say that, but I’ve noticed you’re never without it. The hat is old and raggedy compared to what you wear.”

“My sister,” he bites out.

My eyes widen. “Your sister?”

“Yes, she gave it to me. Can’t you leave well enough alone?”

“I don’t know if I can,” I say, partially in jest. This isn’t the first time my curiosity has led me to places I don’t belong or wasn’t invited to. “A sister, Lucien… you have to tell me her name. What is she like?”

His gaze cuts me where I stand.