I dip my gaze to his erection and give him a pointed look, despite the anxiety streaming through me because of him. In return, Baxter steps closer until the tip of his nose brushes mine.

“You think you know me, but you don’t, princess.” He cups my cheek and digs his fingertips against the skin at my temple. “Time for you to remember who you truly are, and then you’ll know whoIam.”

The hatter freezes behind me, still holding my breast in his palm. “Baxter…” His voice carries a warning but also a question.

Baxter narrows his gaze. “Hold her.”

The wine cellar and the two men disappear as darkness consumes me. Then a scene unfolds right before my eyes, starring Baxter. Only he’s no longer wearing a dress shirt and pants. Instead, his soldier’s uniform clings to his body, showcasing his lean yet muscular form.

“Go back inside, princess.”

I look up at him from where I sit on the garden’s stone bench and give him a rueful smile. “Why? So I can do my mother’s bidding and spread my legs once more?”

“What you do is none of my affair,” he says with a frown. “However, I can’t have you out here unattended. It’s not safe.”

“Nowhere is safe, Baxter. You don’t know this yet, but you will.” I shake my head and turn away from him. “You think that as her Captain of the Guard you’re immune to her evil ways, that she won’t destroy your soul piece by piece. I envy your ignorance.”

“We are all bound to her wishes,” he says. “It’s best to act quickly and avoid her ire.”

My laugh is weary. “Her ire is not the problem.”

I get to my feet and face him. Baxter stands straight as though ready for inspection, his head held high and his features schooled. He’s such a handsome man. It’s only a matter of time before he becomes my mother’s plaything.

He won’t stand so tall once she’s through with him.

“You have a good heart,” I say. I walk up to Baxter, my skirts whispering against the grass until I stop just in front of him. I rest my hand against his chest and soak in the steady beating of his heart. “Be careful that you don’t let her take it from you.”

"You don’t need to worry about me, princess.”

I let my arm fall away. “I’m not certain whether or not you consider us friends, but I do. And I will always concern myself with your well-being. Stay away from my mother as long as you can.”

His forehead wrinkles, and the soldier clears his throat. “In all honesty, I’m not sure how to respond.”

“It’s all right, Captain.” I wave a hand in dismissal. “I’m not trying to fuck you, so relax. I know you have a wife.”

“I…” Baxter runs a shaking hand through his hair. “I never meant to imply…”

My smile appears at his nervousness. I step up to him, pressing my body against his and relishing the way his blood pounds faster in response. And flows to his cock.

“Do you want me?” I ask.

“I don’t think there’s a man alive that doesn’t.”

With regret streaming through me, I step back from him. “See what I mean? You’re an honorable man who tells the truth while remaining faithful. A woman like me isn’t good enough for you, Baxter.” I give him a smile to hide the pain underneath my words. “Your wife has no idea how much I envy her.”

He steps up to me and raises his hand, only to fist it before letting it fall back to his side. His desire to touch me is fierce. As is mine for him to.

I breathe him in for a moment, wanting it to last forever while knowing each second that passes is detrimental for him because of my mother. And for me.

It’ll give life to dreams that can never be.

I turn away from him and stride back toward the palace, grief making my steps heavy. Baxter’s fate is all but sealed. It won’t be long before my mother destroys whatever goodness she detects.

The Queen of Hearts is good at tearing people apart.

Both figurativelyandliterally.

“Baxter.” His name comes out broken and weak, my voice riddled with tears.