My chastisement is forgotten the moment I feel the length of his cock against my thigh. He moves up my body to position himself above me, poised to fuck me into oblivion. When I’m with him, I forget my life at Court and everything else about my miserable existence.

Nox is my saving grace in such a mad world.

I stroke his face to stay him, knowing once he enters me, the time for conversation is over. “What does that even mean, to taste like Wonderland?”

Nox pauses to think, but his hands never stop caressing my skin. “It means that you are everything good in this world. From its secrets to the beauty, there’s nothing I can look at or touch without thinking of you.”

He thrusts inside of me, stealing my breath.

And my heart.

“Pardon me, Nox, but what in the king’s cock are you doing to my little bird?”

Lucien’s voice pulls me from the memory with a jolt as though he slapped me. I blink rapidly to clear the vision while both men stare back at me. Nox’s eyes have returned to their normal hue, but Lucien’s blue ones are colder, freezing me where I sit.

“Nothing,” Nox says. He drops his hands from me and stands. “I don’t know what came over me.”

Lucien lifts his cane, creating a barrier between Nox and me, and steps between my legs. His gaze holds me in place as he scrutinizes me from head to foot. Nox looks at me from over the man’s shoulder, his expression a scowl.

“Another memory, little bird?” Lucien asks. My hesitation just before nodding causes him to bend down, putting us eye-level. “This one was naughty, was it not?”

I turn my head to avoid his probing stare. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

At the feel of cool metal underneath my chin, I swing my focus back in his direction. Lucien uses the cane to lift my head until I’m looking at him and nowhere else.

“Well, I want to hear about it,” he says. “Your expression is different this time around. It was softer, more sensual, and it made my cock nearly burst.”

Lucien adjusts himself, and my eyes zero in on the movement. The urge to lick my lips rises and I shove it away. It’s a miracle considering the way my blood sings whenever he’s near.

Nox too.

Especially after recalling that memory of us together.

“It…” I seek out his gaze and it meets mine. His knowing and mine spiraling. “It was about Nox.”

The hatter swings his head toward the other man. “You nasty fuck. I knew you were good in bed. Look at her smile,” Lucien says, gesturing to me with his free hand. “It’s the smile of a satisfied woman, the most addicting kind. When you see it, you know you fucked her good and well.” He looks back at me, a gleam in his blue eyes, making them sparkle with unbridled lust. “It’s an expression I endeavor to put on her lips.”

My breathing goes shallow at the images that bombard me with his statement. The two of them looming over me, close enough to touch… and kiss. The thoughts arrest me where I sit. My core pulses wildly as if trying to match the way my heart pounds.

Bothparts of me want these men.

I shove aside Lucien’s cane and get to my feet. “Goodnight.”

When I leave the room without hearing a single protest, I’m not sure if I’m more surprised by their lack of interference…

Or my disappointment.



Iclose and lock the bedroom door, only to lean heavily against it afterwards. My eyes flutter shut with exhaustion, and my limbs hang listlessly by my sides as I take in the quiet around me. It’s most welcome.

My time spent in the mental facility provided a lot of solitude where I could be alone with my thoughts. Not my first choice, but at least it was peaceful, when I didn’t drudge up what little memories I had then. Now, having been around people nonstop for however long, I’m desperate to have some time to myself.

The strength of my legs dwindles, and I stumble to the bed, undoing the ties in the front of the corset. The dress cascades to the floor in a flurry of ribbons and lace. I step from it, relishing the light material of my undergarments. Well, my chemise.

Lucien didn’t give me any underwear when he presented the gown. Pervert.