“Nothing. I swear.”

Lucien eyes me, his gaze scrutinizing. “We will see. Are you hungry? Dinner will be served momentarily. I, for one, am starving.”

His tone and the smirk he wears tell me of things he’s left for me to interpret. I might find him attractive—albeit disconcerting—but getting out of Wonderland is my sole focus.

No matter how many times Lucien tries to distract me with tempting thoughts.

“How long was I asleep?” I ask.

“Several hours. You must be famished by now.”

I make a face at him. “Don’t act as though you care for my welfare, but yes, I could use something to eat.”

He mimics my facial expression. “Idocare. I can’t fuck you if you’re dead. For shame, Alice, get a clue.”

“My name isn’t Alice. It’s Adelaide. And we’re not having sex.” My pussy dampens, mocking my refusal of him. “Where’s Baxter?”

“Still sulking in his room, no doubt.”

“Okay,” I say, elongating the word. “Whatever that means, I don’t care.”

Lucien gets to his feet and walks over to the bed. I cross my arms over my chest, concealing my breasts. The material of the gown is thin, hardly a barrier for his gaze. It doesn’t stop him from looking.

He chuckles. “I’m sure your tits are lovely. They certainly felt like it.” When I make a choking sound, his laughter increases. “Do you know how amusing it is to see the renowned princess, who supposedly slept with every noble at Court, act like a shy virgin? Very delightful.”

I glare at him and rip the covers from my body. After sliding from the bed on the opposite side to keep distance between us, I lift my chin.

“Even if all of that is true, I don’t remember any of it. To me, you’re speaking about someone else, a complete stranger. It’s no use trying to convince me that her past is mine. I won’t believe it.”

“Until your memories return,” he says. “I can’t wait for Baxter to finish what he started, so you and I can begin.”

I sigh, my vexation a front for my nerves. If Lucien wanted me, there’d be nothing and no one to stop him. Pushing him into anger is not ideal, but neither is allowing him to think he’s going to screw me.

“There’s nothing between us,” I say with a pointed look.

Lucien winks at me. “I cannot speak for Baxter, but I would like to see you out of those clothes. And into something pretty.”

I paste a caustic smile on my face and dip into the most exaggerated curtsy while batting my lashes. “If it pleases you, my lord, yet I have nothing to wear.” I straighten, erasing all traces of humor from my face. “Unlike you, I don’t have any other clothes, and I’m not taking this off.”

The man laughs at me, and for once it’s not full of mockery. It’s light and airy with a sensuality that sinks into my belly and warms me all over.

“Have no fear, my lady. I have brought you something, and it’s certainly better than the rags you’re currently wearing.”

“Anything would be an improvement. Thank you. Where is it?”

“Right here.” He holds out his hands. “Don’t you see it?”

I scrunch my face at him and shake my head slowly. The man is truly insane. Well, more so than I originally thought.

Lucien purses his lips. “Hmm, I could’ve sworn…”

He flicks his wrists in a benign, circular movement as though flicking water from his hands. From one blink to the next, a dress appears draped over his forearms. My gasp is loud in the quiet.

“How did you…?” I press a hand to my mouth, my eyes wide. “What just happened?”

He grins at me. “Magic, of course. Everyone born in Wonderland has an ability of sorts, some stronger than others.”

“And yours is?”