“No,” Lucien says. “Adelaide is confounded by her memories, not enraged by them. That’s what it’ll take for her to dethrone the queen.”

“Maybe we don’t need that.” The leather from Baxter’s chair creaks softly when he moves in his seat. I can imagine him leaning back, stroking his chin in thought. “The princess is powerful.”

“This is true,” Lucien says.

Nox begins to pace. His steps are muffled in the plush rug, but they’re harried. His shadow—created by the flames in the fireplace located behind him—flickers across the floor, coming in and out of my line of sight. “What is the extent of her abilities?”

“Oh, let me answer this one.” Lucien’s excitement can be felt all the way in the hall where I lurk. “She is a blood-bender, but not only that, she can make it feel like you’re burning alive from the inside out. It’s glorious.”

“For a masochist,” Baxter mutters.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“She must’ve come into her magic while in the other realm. If not, she hid it well.” Nox stops, and his shadow stretches toward the door. “She has to be trained, even if it’s only to defend herself.”

The men hum their agreement.

That stupid warmth in my chest, the one that makes me feel deliriously happy and idiotic, spreads through me. I hug my middle and close my eyes. Their concern for me is genuine. Yes, they need my help with the Red Queen.

But they care about my safety.

At least Nox does.

My former lover… that’s something I can’t wrap my head around. I wish that I’d remembered a time with him as opposed to that disgusting lord from Court. But I know all of my memories will eventually return.

The good and the bad.

I just hope there’s more of the former.

“It’s settled then,” Nox says. “You two will help the princess develop her abilities, therefore ensuring she can protect herself while I’m gone.”

Lucien laughs softly. “I won’t be sad to see you go, but I must ask, where and why?”

“I have to find the seer. That fucker is the only person in Wonderland who can tell me if Adelaide will survive an encounter with her mother.”

“And if she won’t?” Baxter’s chair groans once more as he shifts. “What then?”

“Then I’ll take her away and into another realm where she’ll be safe,” Nox says. “I could give a flying fuck about Wonderland, and I won’t sacrifice her to save it.”

“You’d damn the rest of us to suffer?” This coming from Baxter.

Nox’s shadow mirrors his curt nod. “In a heartbeat.”

“I rather like going mad,” Lucien says, his voice thoughtful. “It frees a person to act however they see fit. That kind of freedom is priceless.”

Baxter huffs. “It comes with a price, and that’d be your head. The queen would take it from you and place it on her mantle like she’s done with many others.”

“I don’t mind being the center of attention.”

“Enough, Lucien,” Nox says. “You’re not too far gone. If anything, you’re perfect to help the princess with her training since you like getting your ass kicked.”

The sharp rap of the cane striking the floor makes me jump. “I like pain, not defeat, you silly cocksucker.”

“Pussy-licker,” Nox corrects.

This conversation is taking a turn in a direction that I’m susceptible to, and if I don’t stop it, I’ll find myself indulging my fantasies once more. This situation with the queen is too important for me to get distracted by pleasure.

I push open the door and the men's gazes immediately shoot to me. “I needed liquid courage,” I say, holding up the teacup.