I’ll never drink again.

In a daze, I start up at the ceiling while lying on the bed in the guest room. What in the fuck possessed me to act the way I did? I could blame it on the alcohol, but that excuse is weak. Yes, it helped lower my inhibitions, however, it was my temper and curiosity that got the best of me.

I had to know who Baxter was into.

Turns out it’s me.

My skin flushes at the thought of them. The two men aroused, their cocks hard while watching me.Becauseof me.

It’s the biggest high I’ve ever experienced, an unparalleled euphoria. Even now, several hours later I’m still in shock.

And turned on.

I slide my hand under my skirts and gather the dampness at my entrance to circle my clit. My breath hitches as pleasure assaults me. Despite having orgasmed earlier, I’m inundated with sexual frustration. My body wants to be filled in a way that can’t be done alone.

Picturing both men touching and kissing me everywhere brings me closer to release. I shouldn’t imagine Baxter considering the way he’s treated me since we met, but now I’m wondering if he’s acted that way because he’s attracted to me. Like Lucien said earlier: you don’twantto want me.

He’s right. I believe that line of thinking is Baxter’s mindset when it comes to me. His resistance only makes me want him more. Lucien and I are more alike than I thought, lusting after people who resist us.

I come with a tiny gasp. Ecstasy shoots through my blood, warming me all over as my core pulses, every beat a testament to my desire for Baxter and Lucien. If only one of them would fuck me. That’d be the way to reach true fulfillment.

So what’s holding me back in spite of my newfound sexual liberation?

I rid myself of all thought that doesn’t pertain to getting off. More daydreams concerning the two men parade through my mind’s eye, only I’m quick to add Darius. With the three men starring in my fantasies, I come hard. My body writhes on the bed as currents of pleasure take hold of me.

What if the things I dreamt were reality…?

With my body spent, I let my arm fall to my side and close my eyes. Sleep is there to embrace me, and I cling to it for once. There’s nothing I can do if my nightmares attack me, and I’m so tired of fighting them.

Maybe I am going mad.

Or I’m ready to succumb to it.

Wonderland at night is a strange place. Bits of song reach me, pulling me from slumber. I don’t open my eyes. Instead, I lie there without the concept of time dictating what I do next.

Whether I’ve slept for five minutes or five hours, I’m not sure. What I do know is the melody drifting to my bedroom is lovely.

I take a deep breath and concentrate on the musical notes. It’s nothing I’ve heard before, but the beauty of it calls to me, however melancholy.

“Wonderland’s wonder will soon wane.

Wonderland’s madness will soon maim.

Wonderland’s queen will quake.

Wonderland’s princess will take.

Her reign will restore.

Her glory forevermore.”

The words, sung in a deep baritone, send chills along my arms and have my eyes snapping open. The hauntingly beautiful notes, in conjunction with a glowing set of eyes, bring a cry to my throat. It rises, strangling me as the bright purple orbs get closer. Yet there’s no silhouette to be seen in the moonlight.

“Those are not the correct lyrics,” says a deep voice, “but they are ones I wish to hear.”

I release a scream.

The shrill noise only lasts for a second before a hand slaps against my mouth, silencing me. “I’m not here to hurt you, love. Indeed, I’ve come to verify your safety. Neither Lucien nor Baxter can be relied upon for such things. They are too selfish by nature.”