More notes. My irritability increases. It doesn’t take much to set me off, not when the mysterious man is the subject matter.

“Why are you afraid of him?” The doctor tilts her head, scrutinizing me. “Do you think he’ll harm you?”

“I don’t know.”

Her lips thin. Now we’re both aggravated. Fine by me. Maybe this meeting will end faster than originally planned.

“Is he here at Green Oaks?” she asks. When I shake my head, the woman nods. “Then why do you think you’re not safe here?”

My sigh is noiseless, but in my head it’s loud and bothersome. Like Dinah’s questions. There’s no way to explain to her that he’s searching for me using a portal of some kind. I’ve already been deemed insane, and sharing that tidbit won’t make my situation any worse. I hate talking about it. I’m not superstitious, but I swear he can hear me.

When I don’t respond, Dinah stares at me. The silence descends on the room like a thick blanket, suffocating and uncomfortable. She’s the first to break.

The doctor returns to her desk and rummages through a designer purse. She checks her cell phone, and a secret smile plays about her lips. Envy burns in my chest and sends my thoughts careening. What would it be like to be intimate with someone without the fear of killing them?

During my musings, the woman retrieves a compact. From beneath my lashes, I watch as she pops it open to reapply her lipstick, similar to a red rose.

Paint the roses red…

The jarring thought rids me of my jealousy, and my entire body freezes.

The mirror is close.


I lift my head, my stare drilling into her. As though she holds a bomb, I watch her handle the item, my eyes straining to find hints of anything unusual. The reflective surface isn’t facing me, but that doesn’t lessen my panic.

Hecould find me.

Whoever he is.

“I’m meeting my date from Saturday night for lunch today,” she says, completely oblivious to my increasing terror. For a person who specializes in reading people, Dinah isn’t doing a very good job right now.

I need her to get rid of the compact. Or at least close the fucking thing.

Instead, she does the exact opposite. The woman lays the object on her desk to put away her lipstick, only it’s facing me this time. “I think he might be a keeper.”

Everything around me fades as my focus stays locked on the mirror. Thankfully, I can’t see my reflection. If I can't see myself, then he can’t see me.

A buzzing sound tickles my ears as a glow appears around the circumference of the mirror. It’s faint, barely noticeable. I try to convince myself that it’s only a figment of my imagination. That it’snota portal and there’s not someone looking for me with the desire to take me back into their world.

The strange light surrounding the compact pulses, right before growing brighter

Dinah’s small talk is drowned out by the pounding of my heart and the blood roaring in my ears. My veins flood with adrenaline, fueled by an indescribable fear, and in the blink of an eye I’m out of the chair.

I grab the nearest object, a lamp on the end table next to me, and rip the electrical cord from the wall. Then I move. Dinah’s head jerks up as I approach the desk and her eyes widen when I bring the base of the light fixture crashing down on her compact. Again and again.

The glass shatters.

The eerie light disappears.

My relief is instant but short-lived.

A pair of silver eyes meets mine through the shards of glass. It’s only for a second. But that’s long enough to confirm my greatest fears.

He’s found me.

And I’m not as insane as I hoped.