He took a deep breath and seemed to be counting. “Hmmm… I started when I was seven years old, so… fourteen years or so.”

I blinked, shocked. “You’re twenty-one?”

“Is that a problem?” he asked, reaching for my hand.

“Not at all, it’s just… well, I thought you were older.” I glanced down at my hand, tingling in his.

“Is that good or bad?” he asked before smiling.

I shrugged. “Neither. Just an observation.”

Fuck all. With his hand on mine, I could barely speak, never mind really make any sense. His touch was electric, and I couldn’t quite believe he’d taken my hand.

“Then again, I didn’t think you would ever be a boxer. Not with your face,” I said.

He stepped closer. “I thinkyouhave a very beautiful face, Tana. And if you would permit it, I would like to kiss you.”

It was the most formal request for a kiss I’d ever received, but the confidence and surety in his eyes as he drew his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me to his lips left me completely and totally unable to resist. His kiss was soft but strong, his lips silky smooth and sensual. He was totally in charge, just like he’d been in the ring. But unlike with his opponent, he wasn’t roughly dominating me, instead giving as much as he was taking.

I moaned, unable to help myself as I ran my hand over the muscles of his chest and one of his reached my own, to caress my breast.

“Amazing,” he whispered into my mouth, rubbing his thumb over my nipple through my thin, cotton top. “Perfection.”

I put my arms around him, but before I could explore further, a yell from the resort made him pull back. He turned his head toward the call, answering. Whoever it was, yelled again in Thai, and Chay sighed, muttering something under his breath.

“I would continue… this,” he said, “but that was my boss. Apparently, I need to pull double duty, as the nightclub bartender has fallen ill. I would like to continue this later,” he said, with a final kiss.

He disappeared toward the resort and I was left on the beach, my heart slamming against my chest. My nipples were rock hard, and underneath the short skirt I was wearing, I’d nearly soaked through my panties.

So it was twice now I’d had a conversation—and more—with one of the sexy trio I’d ridden from the airport with. And twice, fate seemed to decide to play epic pussyblocker, calling them away just as I was falling under their spell.

I headed back to my room, hoping my vibe was fully charged.

* * *



I wokeup late the next morning as two nights of solo fantasies left me to sleep a full ten hours. I was refreshed, if still confused.

Why did Chay kiss me? Was he really interested, or just riding a wave of adrenaline and maybe a desire for some naughtiness after his match? Was he just a young fighter who wanted to have a different kind of conquest after working up a sweat?

And why did I not care that he was younger than me? I’d never been into younger guys. Those around Chay’s age were normally too immature to even capture my interest. It didn’t matter how physically sexy they were. They were just a step or two above frat boys in their behavior.

Chay was anythingbuta frat boy.

His kiss unlocked a few things inside me, not least of which was a desire to knock a few more things off my bucket list besides flying first class and staying at a five-star resort. So after a quick brunch, I wandered down the beach toward Rob, where he was assisting someone with one of the resort’s jet skis.

Just like Jean-Pierre, he was sexy as hell in his board shorts. “Well now, if it isn’t the prettiest woman at the resort,” he called to me. “Having fun yet, Tana?”

If he only knew.

“For sure,” I said. “I liked your announcing last night.”

He laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he looked me up and down. “Well, I won’t be quitting my day job anytime soon, but I’ve got the best English skills and announcing voice of anyone on the staff, so they usually stick me with things like that. What brings you to the docks? Looking to do a little snorkeling or maybe scuba diving?”

“Something like that. I’d like to try something new,” I said. “Chilling on the beach and flipping my way through a book is great. But I figure that while I’m here, you know, there might be something new to try.”