Clara sat next to Ralph in the carriage, her hand tucked into his arm as they navigated the busy streets of London.

Across from them sat her friend, Mona, the Duchess of Durham, and her husband, Brax. Behind them, Priscilla and Wyatt rode with Alexi and her husband, the Baron Brightmore. And behind them was her father and brother, along with her friend Charlotte and her husband, the Earl of Westmoreland.

It was a procession to the palace. Clara’s heart fluttered. So much hung in the balance today.

Not her marriage to Ralph. That had been decided. They’d marry no matter what the queen decided, but for Ralph’s sake, she hoped he won the title. If for no other reason than he was a good man and good should come back to him.

She squeezed his arm, his gaze meeting hers. He gave her a small smile. “Try not to worry.”

“I’m not worried. I just…” She wanted him to be happy. “I hope she sees your value.”

His smile fell. “We’ll see.” But then his face softened. “Either way, I know there are people, even people in power, who believe in rightness and justice and that’s what really matters.”

She returned his smile, but her chest tightened again. Was their new queen one of them? They rolled through the gate of the palace, making their way up to the massive structure beyond.

“I wish I could go in with you.”

He gave her a wink. “I’m bringing quite the entourage already, but I’m glad you’ll be in the carriage no matter what the outcome.”

Her other hand came to his chest and she brought her cheek to his shoulder.

“She’ll not deny you,” Brax rumbled from his seat across from Ralph. Odd how they’d broken tradition with their seating arrangement without a word being spoken among the four of them. “She’s my first cousin and still very young. If she does, she and I will have words.”

Clara smiled. Brax was the sort of tall, dark, and intimidating that anyone might find difficult to stand against.

Except Mona. Her bright red hair flashed in the dim interior of the carriage. “I’m sure she’ll do the right thing, and you will mind your manners.” She tapped her husband’s arm with her fan. “I mean it, Brax. Most women don’t understand you’re custard under your hard shell.”

Brax grinned at his wife. “That information is for you alone, my love.” Then he looked at Clara and winked. “And your friends.”

Clara and Mona laughed.

Ralph scrubbed at his scalp. “Well, I appreciate the support, Your Grace.”

“Brax,” he corrected. “And my pleasure.”

The carriages drew to a stop and despite the audience, Clara leaned over, placing a kiss on Ralph’s cheek. “Good luck.”

“Thank you,” he said, and with one long last look at Brax, exited the carriage. Climbing out, he left the door open as Charlotte, Priscilla, and Alexi climbed in.

It had been ages since the five of them had been together. Her dearest friends, and she kissed each of them as they entered, so grateful for their support now.

“He’ll be made an earl,” Alexi said, shaking her blonde hair as her pixie-like features drew into lines of certainty. “I just know that you’ll both get your happily ever after.”

“Of course we will,” Clara answered with a smile. “We’re getting married. That’s enough for me.”

Charlotte settled in next to Mona as Priscilla and Alexi squeezed on the bench with Clara. “What I don’t understand was why you didn’t contact me. I could have helped Ralph with his investigation.”

All the women laughed at that. Charlotte’s powers of deduction were excellent, but so was her propensity for trouble. Her lack of regard for the rules tended to create as many problems as it solved.

“He seemed to handle it,” Clara murmured. “I inadvertently helped a bit.”

“And highwaymen.” Alexi let out a sigh. “How romantic.”

It had been a bit. “And scary. To think Ralph and Wyatt face that sort of danger often,” Priscilla said with a shiver.

They had faced a great deal of danger. And that was one of many reasons Ralph deserved to be rewarded.