In the wee hours of the morning, Ralph escorted Clara back to her room, giving her a fierce kiss before he left. “Meet me at breakfast at ten,” he whispered before he left.

She gave a quick nod, quietly clicking the door closed. Despite only getting a few hours of sleep, she couldn’t seem to fall asleep again. Finally, after slipping on her housecoat, she left her room again, making her way to her mother’s room.

The door was unlocked, and opening it, she nearly left again when she saw the drawn curtains around her mother’s bed.

“Who is it?” her mother called.

“Mama?” She stepped into the room, rushing to the bed.

“Clara,” her mother said, patting the coverlet. “Come here, sweetheart.”

Without any hesitation, she ran across the room, parting the curtains and gingerly climbing into the bed. Her mother looked thin and tired, her blonde hair tied into a simple braid, but her eyes were bright and her smile was the same. Clara’s hands came to her cheeks. “How are you?”

“I’m fine.” Her mother smiled. “Already feeling better.”

Clara doubted that was true, but she appreciated her mother’s effort to protect her. “You’ll continue to rest.”

“That’s all I do these days,” her mother sighed. “But not you. I hear you’ve been busy.”

Clara winced. “What did Papa tell you?”

“Everything. The Bushy Hero…” One of her mother’s brows lifted. “Your denial of Kinross, and you were attacked by highwaymen. My goodness.”

“Goodness, indeed.” Then Clara looked at her mother, all pretense falling away. “I love him, Mama. With all my heart.”

Her mother looked into her eyes, searching her face. “I know.”

Clara snuggled close to her mother, holding her close. They didn’t need to say more. Clara had nearly fallen asleep when Mother finally spoke again. “You know. I’ve no idea how long I shall live, but I’d like for one of my children to have a child before I leave this earth.”

Clara’s eyes partially fluttered open. “You’ll have to speak with Marcus. Papa doesn’t like Ralph.”

“And you’ll not marry another, will you?”

“No. I won’t.”

The connecting door between the rooms opened, her father entering the room. “Helen? Are you awake?”

“I am,” her mother said softly. “Clara’s here too, but she was just leaving to ready herself for the day.”

Clara raised her brows, but she slid from the bed, crossing to give her father a kiss on the cheek before she left the room.

She arrived at breakfast a half hour early. She couldn’t help it, she was fully ready and bursting with restless energy.

She grinned when she caught sight of Ralph’s back. “You couldn’t sleep, either?”

He turned to her with a smile. “No. I couldn’t.”

Crossing the room, she reached for his hand, their fingers threading together. But they quickly broke apart at the sound of steps.

Turning to see who’d come through the door, Clara’s shoulders slumped with relief to see Priscilla and Wyatt walk through the door. “Good morning,” Priscilla said, her eyes narrowing as she looked at them.

“Good morning,” Clara answered as her father came in just behind them. “Papa.”

Her father stopped, his gaze sweeping over the four of them. “Good morning. Again,” he said as he came to her side, placing a kiss on her cheek. That’s when she realized he held a sealed sheet of paper in his hand. “What’s that?”

“A missive for Mister Fitzroy,” her father answered, holding up the letter. “Specially delivered early this morning from one Doctor Hardinger.”