The other man’s mouth opened and then closed again. “She did?”

Ralph moved closer. “Other than my brother, I’ve not trusted a single person from your class, but Clara is so”—he paused, searching for the right word—“pure of heart, I couldn’t help learn my lesson and I shall never prejudge people again.”

The baron stared at him, not answering for several seconds before he finally answered. “I see.”

“Don’t think I don’t know I’m not good enough for her,” Ralph answered, looking out the window to the garden below. Autumn leaves blew about the ground in the falling darkness. “I understand why you won’t support my suit, but I’d like to commend you. Both your children are good people. I’ve never met better.”

“Thank you,” the other man answered, clearing his throat.

Ralph wanted to ask if the man would support him, but his answer only delayed their future. It didn’t change it, a fact he was grateful for. While he wouldn’t steal Clara, he had no qualms about waiting until she was legally free to wed him. “Thank you for hearing me out, my lord. Much appreciated.”

“You must be tired. I should let you rest.”

Ralph gave another bow of his head before he turned and left the room. The woman of his dreams waited for him, and after everything the past few days had tossed at them, he’d hold her close now and with any luck, forever.