She looked up at him, her eyes glazed and her chest rising and falling to the beat of his own heart. “Yes?”

“You need to sleep, my love.”


“I’ll love you always. Forever.”

“I don’t want to sleep,” she answered as she kissed him again. “I love you too. I want to be here with you.”

He slid his hand down her stomach, skimming her hip and dancing down her leg until he’d reached the hem of her shift. For a moment, his large hand circled her slender ankle and then he reached under the shift, tracing her calf. “You can stay here with me. But I’ll help you to get some sleep.”

And then he brushed a finger along the underside of her knee. Her eyes had gone wide. “Help me sleep?”

“Let me help you relax,” he said as he kissed a trail to her ear, his fingers steadily climbing higher on her thigh. “Would you like that?”

Her legs naturally parted as she arched closer. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

It was the invitation he’d needed as he softly slid his fingers through the curls at her apex, and he was rewarded with her cry of pleasure.

He gathered her closer still, repeating the touch again and again until she squirmed against his touch and only then did he use the pad of his middle finger to trace her seam.

She made the most maddening mewl of pleasure, and he couldn’t resist deepening the touch, which only made her hips meet his touch.

He growled into her neck as he found the little bud of pleasure hidden in her folds, circling the bundle of nerves. She panted in his ear, her breath blew hot in his ear. “Ralph,” she groaned. “Oh. Please.”

The please made him smile. He should be the one begging. But she’d get whatever she asked for, and so he gave her what she wanted, increasing the pressure and the tempo until her body was so taut, she seemed as though she might break.

And then she came apart in his arms, crying out her pleasure in the most satisfying way. He held her long after the tremors subsided, their hearts beating together.

To feel this woman’s pleasure would be a gift he’d remember forever.

Her arms relaxed about his neck, her breath growing even and steady as he kissed along her hairline and then across her cheek.

It wasn’t until he went to kiss her nose that he realized she’d fallen asleep.

A hint of a smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. He held her in his arms as he stood, pulled back the covers, and then settled them both on the bed, her body fit into his as he wrapped his arms about her once again.

He didn’t care about sleep. He had his whole life for that. This might be the only time he ever got to sleep with her in his arms.

But as her heat seeped into his skin, he found his eyes growing heavy as well. Nuzzling his face into her mass of blond hair, he made a promise to himself…he’d remember every stroke and touch from tonight, and he’d live a life worthy of Clara no matter what tomorrow brought.