It was after midnight before Clara was finally tucked in to a room at an inn. They’d had to meet with the local constable and Ralph had once again flashed the seal of the queen, handing over the thieves who’d been stealing from travelers up and down the stretch of road from London to Bath.

After losing hours, they’d decided it best to get a few hours of sleep, get off the road for the rest of the night, and arrive in London by the evening.

While Clara was anxious to see her mother, one of the footmen had received a glancing gunshot wound, while the driver had been beside himself after the attack. And everyone was bone-tired.

Except now that Clara lay in bed alone, she could not sleep. In fact, her eyes could hardly stay closed. Her thoughts were full of all that had happened, both her exploration in the carriage and what had happened after. They’d been attacked by highwaymen and Ralph had once again protected her.

Finally, she tossed off the covers and, wrapping her pelisse over her shift, crept from her room and down the hall.

She knew which room Ralph was in, and she knew she was breaking every rule imaginable, but she stopped in front of her door and raised her hand to knock. She hesitated, biting her lip as she stared at the door.

Did she really dare to enter a man’s room in the middle of the night? Before she could answer that question, the door swung open. “How did you…” she started as Ralph grabbed her raised hand and pulled her into the room.

His arm wrapped about her, pulling her against his chest as he softly shut the door. “I’m the Bushy Hero, remember? Nighttime activities are my specialty.”

“That is rather unfair,” she said, melting into him, her arms reaching about his neck. It felt so good to be in the circle of his arms.

“Or if you don’t wish to be caught, handy.” He smiled and leaned down to softly brush his nose against hers.

A sigh escaped her lips as she returned the smile. “Excellent point.”

“Are you still frightened?”

She nodded. “A little.” Clara looked into his eyes. “So much happened in such a short time. I can hardly order my thoughts.”

He gave a single jerk of his chin before he leaned closer. “Would I confuse you more if I kissed you?”

“No,” she murmured, angling her chin just a bit closer.

“No, I can’t kiss you?”

“No, you won’t confuse me,” she said, her fingers threading into the hair at his nape. “I couldn’t possibly be any more muddled.”

“We’ll see about that,” he whispered just before his mouth brushed against hers.

Sensation tingled through her, settling down deep in her core. He kissed her again, another light brush of lips before he gave her a firmer press of his mouth to hers. The last kiss stole her breath, the rushing of blood making it impossible to think. It was mind-numbing bliss.

“Be honest. Have I properly muddled your thoughts?” he murmured against her mouth.

She smiled even as he kissed her again. “I can’t think a thing, which is so lovely.”

“And if you were thinking, what would you be considering?”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t even wish to think it. I just want to be in your arms.”

His hand slid down her spine. “And you can stay here for as long as you’d like. But let me help you through your inner turmoil too.” And then he gave her the lingering sort of kiss that had her gasping for breath.

“I was so afraid for you,” she cried. “And worried that our last words had been about what stood between us instead of what brought us together.”

He gave her a squeeze. “I’m amazed you’d consider being together at all. Especially after the way I lied.”

She didn’t even think as she defended him against himself. “With good reason. I understand that. It was just that Kinross wanted to use me to recover from his own grief. He didn’t care about me, he never has. And when I thought you’d only used me too…”

He grimaced and suddenly lifted her off her feet and carried her across the small room, settling her into his lap as he sat on his bed. “Clara,” he groaned, his voice laced with pain. “You’ve every right to think I used you. It was my intention. I’ll not lie, not anymore, not to you.” He swallowed as he looked deep into her eyes. “Which is why I need to tell you why I wished for the earldom.”

Her breath caught. “Why?”