Ralph peeled his eyes from the pages before him to look back up at the dignitary. “Why?”

He grimaced. “I thought it would be obvious. How can you complete the task if everyone knows you’ve been newly elevated by the queen? It’s why she thought to tell you after you’d completed your…er…mission.”

He supposed that was true. The problem, or one of the many, was that Wyatt usually completed investigations. Not Ralph. What was more, he hated the elite, with the exception of his brother; the last thing he wanted was to be one of them. But how did one turn down the queen?

“And if the new earl is innocent?”

“Such the better for the realm.” The man twirled his hand, adding flair to his statement. Ralph detested flair.

“This is a copy of the queen’s seal of approval should you need to gather any documentation. Use it wisely. It will alert anyone paying attention that you’re investigating.”

Ralph took the sheet with a grimace. “I’ve been made an earl?”

Lord So and So gave a quick jerk of his chin. “Yes. And in return, you only need make certain the old Earl of Kinross met with no foul play.”

Of course, he’d have to do something even more dangerous than stalking common thieves in the night. Men of the peerage, with all their power, were ten times more dangerous. But then again, if he were one of them, he could have the power he needed to really fight injustice.

Ralph stuck out his hand. He’d nearly spit in it first, a gesture often used by the lower classes to denote a serious transaction. Not that such a gesture was needed now, he just wanted to see what the other man would do with his offer of a wet palm.

Gingerly, the other man shook Ralph’s hand and then executed a short bow. “We look forward to learning your findings.”

Ralph shook his head as he turned to leave, paper in hand. His gaze drifted to the drawer that had the rest of his dangled future. Was that offer of an earldom like a worm on a hook? Was there an actual possibility he’d really become an earl?

Today had been an odd day. But if he could see this through, he’d be able to finally prosecute the real criminals of the realm. The men in charge.