“Leave the door open. Someone will be along any moment.”

He hesitated for another second before he stepped out of the room.

The moment they were alone, Clara’s accusing gaze swung back to his. “You lied to me.”

“I did.” He saw the hurt and it cut him inside. Self-loathing filled his chest.

“I’m not even certain I wish to know more, but I…” She paused, drawing in a shaky gulp of air. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

Ralph stared at her. He’d have preferred it if she’d yelled at him. Told him he was a selfish beast. Hell, he’d have appreciated it if she hit him. A good slap right in the face. He deserved it. But her dismissal, the fact that she didn’t want the details, felt a great deal like she didn’t care all that much. “I want you to know, despite the lies, Clara, that I would have done anything to protect you from harm.”

Pain flitted across her features. “I never doubted your chivalry, Mister Fitzroy.”

He grimaced. “What do you doubt in me?”

She opened her mouth, then closed it again, shaking her head. “I’m not sure I wish to say. There’s little point in having this conversation other than to satisfy a curiosity I’m not even certain is healthy.”

“You’ve every right to ask whatever you wish.”

“Shall I ask you why the men I fancy seem never to return my affection?”

Her question set him back on his heels. She was beating herself up rather than him? The unfairness of it made him ache. And why, when he finally had the position to lash back at the peerage, did he meet the very people who made him question whether that was a tack he should take? “Make no mistake, if you have any affection for me, it is returned.”

She blinked, her mouth falling open. “Ralph?”

“Mister Melby?” A footman rushed into the room and then stopped just inside the door. “Apologies, Miss Melby. I was told your brother was here.”

“He’ll be right back, he’s just gone to fetch me water.”

“Good,” the footman replied with several quick nods of his head. “I’ve got an urgent letter for him.”

“Urgent?” Clara partially sat up.

“From home, Miss Melby.”

Clara shot up, Ralph’s coat falling away as any color that had returned to her face drained once again.

And then her hand shot out, searching the air. He reached for her delicate palm, wrapping his much larger hand around hers.

Which was how he felt her trembling. “Ralph?” she gasped, her voice shaking just as fiercely. “I’m going to be sick.”

Yanking his coat into his lap, he wrapped an arm about her as he leaned her down just in time for the first wave of vomit to heave onto his lap. He still held her hand and murmured words of comfort as wave after wave of sickness convulsed through her.

And when she was done, he roughly bundled up the coat, setting it on the floor as he held her face to his chest. She gave a trembling sob, followed by another, as tears began to leak from her eyes. He lifted her up and settled her on his lap, cradling her body to his as she cried.

“Clara,” he whispered close to her ear. “Cry it all out.”

One of her arms snaked about his neck as she sobbed.

“And when you’re done, I want you to know that no matter how you feel about me, I’ll be there for you for whatever you need. I promise.”

And there was one good thing he could say about himself, when he made a promise, he kept it.

Depending on what was in that letter, Clara and her brother might have to leave and return home. He’d go with them, see them safely back to London. The investigation no longer mattered, the earldom could hang.

He’d been searching for his future and for the moment, he’d found it. He’d see Clara through whatever crisis she faced at home.