“Yes.” She looked down the street. “But they didn’t and I…”

She trailed off once more, but Ralph knew. She’d declined the earl’s offer. Hope rose up like a bubble in his chest. Clara was still free. Available.

But then that hope burst.

He’d lied to her. He’d suspected Clara to be a spoiled member of the peerage. He’d expected the queen to pull the rug from under him. She might yet. He’d expected Kinross to be guilty. Still anyone’s guess.

But what he hadn’t realized was that of all the dirty deeds, his ranked among the top. To become an earl, he’d misled the loveliest woman.

Shame washed over him.

“Clara,” he said, swallowing. “There is something I need to tell you.”

“Ready?” Mr. Melby called from behind them.

Clara tilted her head to study him before she tentatively nodded. “Of course.”

Ralph silently cursed. Clara deserved the truth and he’d have to find a way to tell her, but he’d prefer to do so privately and not in front of her brother. It was going to be tricky to explain why he’d lied to begin with.

Still, guilt tightened his chest. He hated to keep the truth from her, of all people.