“I…” She licked her lips. “I’ve developed an affection for Mister Fitzroy.”

Her brother’s eyes widened. “Clara.” He leaned his head closer as if they weren’t alone on a country road. “He’s hardly the match mother and father wish for you.”

She shook her head. “I know. But he’s so…” She filled her lungs as she searched for the words. “Strong. Considerate. Handsome.”

“Clara!” Marcus stopped again, spinning about to face her. “Are you certain you’re not just looking to marry because of mother?”

“I don’t think so. I mean, I was with Kinross, but I didn’t try to like Mister Fitzroy. It just happened. And anyway, I don’t know that he returns my feelings.” He’d kissed her, but beyond that…

Marcus’s brow furrowed. “Oh, please. He’d be a complete fool not to.”

Clara smiled at her brother then. “Thank you for the support.”

“I’m not supporting you. Just stating a fact.” Marcus lifted off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t think mother and father would approve of Mister Fitzroy any more than they do Kinross.”

“It’s likely not even an issue,” she murmured, thinking on Ralph’s kiss. Despite the moment they’d shared, he’d not even spoken to her during last night’s dinner. They started walking once again, silence falling. “He’s not said a thing about wishing to pursue me, so try not to worry. It’s likely me simply developing another useless infatuation.”

Marcus raised a single brow. “Useless? Kinross just proposed.”

That made her shake her head. “Perhaps Mister Fitzroy will as well eight years from now.”

Marcus laughed at that. “It did take a long time. Long enough you finally changed your mind.”

She gave a small shrug. Was she destined to fall for men who didn’t return her affection?

“I like Priscilla’s new husband. Seems like a good chap.”

“He does,” Clara answered, trying not to sigh. Wyatt adored Priscilla and despite having received a kiss as well as a proposal of marriage this trip from two different men, Clara wasn’t certain she’d managed to achieve what her friend had…a man who truly cared about her.

Ralph stepped out of the doctor’s office with a huff of frustration. The man was once again absent and the report had yet to be formulated.

In the meantime, Kinross had already known Ralph was poking around. If the man hadn’t revoked his invitation to his home, he would shortly.

Ralph would stay in the village until Wyatt was ready to leave. And then what?

He drew in a deep breath.

He stood in the village alone.

How would he proceed with the investigation if he didn’t have access to Kinross? He could confess that he’d assumed Kinross’s guilt from the first on the basis that the man was a lord. His father had been guilty of all sorts of sins.

And the queen?

Ralph fully expected her to revoke her offer. He’d wanted to make a difference in this world, but without an earldom, he had little means to carry that plan forward. Chasing petty criminals in the night was not only dangerous, but it also didn’t begin to make a real difference in the world. With an earldom…

He drew in a shaky breath, a voice whispering that with an earldom, perhaps he could claim Clara himself. A foolish wish, he knew. Like most of the things he wanted, it was destined to fail. Kinross had already staked a claim on her. He’d get neither the title nor the girl, which, if he’d really thought about it, was the expected end.

But where did that leave him? What was his future?

As if in answer, Clara appeared before him on the arm of her brother.

He stopped, staring at her. Her sudden presence had to be a coincidence. There wasn’t any other explanation and certainly no tie to the thoughts he’d just been having.

But he swallowed down a lump as the Melby siblings approached.

Mr. Melby gave him an appraising stare as they stopped in front of them. “Mister Fitzroy. What brings you to the village?”

“Errands of sorts,” Ralph answered as his gaze drifted to Clara. Had she already accepted an offer of marriage? Was he too late?