It was Ralph’s turn to be confused. “What?”

“My footman saw you.”

Ralph had that sinking feeling that he’d made a terrible mistake. Still, Kinross hadn’t mentioned the seal, so perhaps he didn’t know that Ralph had been sent by the queen? “Clara is very important—”

“Miss Melby,” Kinross snapped back. “And don’t you forget it.” Then he took a step forward. “The viscount put you up to this, didn’t he?”

“Viscount Ware has nothing to do with any of this.” His shoulders sank in relief to know that Kinross didn’t yet understand exactly who wanted to investigate him.

Kinross swept his hand to the side. “Regardless, I had no involvement in my father’s death, so there is nothing for you to find. And as for Miss Melby…” He narrowed his eyes at Ralph. “Let her brother look after her affairs and mind your own.”

Kinross stormed off, leaving Ralph standing there, watching him go. Had he hoped to solve this crime? He was very certainly going to fail.

He had one last chance. Tomorrow he’d attempt to see the doctor again.