Clara tapped her foot as Wyatt and Priscilla spoke softly in one corner. Kinross had delayed his luncheon to go to the pub. And Mr. Fitzroy and Clara’s brother had gone with them. Is that what she’d come for? To sit at Kinross’s home while the men went off to drink?

She let out a long, loud breath and crossed her arms, not sure what had her so out of sorts. Was it the fact that Kinross had left her when he’d been so adamant he wished for her to be here, or was it… She swallowed.

Mr. Fitzroy hadn’t come back, either. Was he attempting to make progress on his investigation into the jewel thieves?

Kinross had undercounted his guests yesterday. There must be fifty influential members of the ton in attendance. And despite Ralph’s comment about not needing half of the country here, Kinross honored his father by making a large display of the funeral. It was the custom.

What was more, Clara knew Kinross and she’d not expected him to be so out of sorts over his father’s death.

Her thoughts drifted back to her mother again. Did she fare well? Her father had said her condition had not changed, but there’d been something in his tone…

She shook her head, attempting to shake off these thoughts. She was here to support Kinross and, now, to help Mr. Fitzroy. With that in mind, she stood, then rang the bell for a servant. When a maid came, she asked to see the housekeeper.

“Clara?” Priscilla asked as the maid left.

Clara shook her head. “I can’t just sit here. And I’ve thought of a way to help.”

Priscilla left Wyatt’s side, crossing to stand in front of the window. “You are always so generous.”

Clara gave a smile. “Don’t give me too much credit. I thought I might help with seating arrangements or activity planning or something.”

And while she helped Kinross during his absence, she might also be able to obtain a guest list. She knew most of the guests in attendance, but a few were unfamiliar to her. Was one of them the thief that Mr. Fitzroy searched for?

The housekeeper entered, giving Clara a kind smile. “Miss Melby.”

Clara quickly offered up her assistance, citing her intent to help, and the woman nodded. “I appreciate the offer—” Mrs. Derby started, clearly set on denying the offer of help.

But Clara raised a hand to stop her from turning down her help. “You’d be doing me a favor,” she said. “I don’t sit idly very well.”

The other woman gave her a glowing smile. Within a quarter hour, the housekeeper had set her up with a list of guests and the task of arranging them for tomorrow evening’s dinner.

Clara let out a breath of relief as she took the sheet and began the task. She really was glad to be busy.

Priscilla and Wyatt had returned to quiet conversation, and she looked up at the couple, a brow quirked. “You are welcome to leave me here. I will be at this for an hour or two at least.”

Priscilla shook her head. “You need company.”

Wyatt chuckled. “We’re poor company, I think, my dear. Perhaps Clara will work better in silence.”

Priscilla gave a small, distressed cry. “Have we been bad company? I’m so sorry.”

“Not at all.” Clara shook her head. “You two are an inspiration.” Which was the truth. Priscilla had gone searching for a husband under the direst of circumstances and she’d found a love match.

Clara sighed. She’d not be so lucky, of that she was certain. She’d either have to disappoint her mother or marry someone who had not captured her heart. She’d loved Kinross once, could she again?

Mr. Fitzroy floated through her thoughts. The man just wouldn’t leave her mind be. Would her parents approve of him? A former boxer, a current… She still didn’t know what he did. They likely would not.

Perhaps at one time, that wouldn’t have mattered, but now…

She let out a heavy sigh.

“Why so sad, Angel?” Kinross called from the door before he strode into the room. She stood, knowing she should leave if he entered, but her brother followed him in and then Mr. Fitzroy.

Her breath caught. “I’m not sad,” she forced through her lips. “I’m working on a seating arrangement for tomorrow and I’ve run into a tricky snag.”

“A seating arrangement for tomorrow?” he asked, his brows up. “Are you helping me as I host my guests?”