“Thank you, Ms. Shandy. I do know who my employees are.” I nodded her dismissal and put the phone on speaker, knowing what was coming.
“Eli, this was a very important meeting. Where was your assistant? We made some changes we need you to sign off on. Do we need to reschedule?”
For the first time ever, I silently thanked the heavens that Serena was a worrier and tended to get loud when she thought things might not go to schedule. Violet had stopped dead in the doorway and turned around, white as a ghost.
“I’ll see what happened and get back to you, Serena,” I said, hanging up. I met Violet’s gaze and shook my head. “Why weren’t you at that meeting? It’s on the calendar. You’re supposed to be aware of that calendar at all times.”
With trembling hands, she checked her phone, her eyes widening when she saw she was supposed to be at a meeting when I sent her ten blocks away for coffee. Her jaw twitched, and she looked up at me with a furrowed brow.
“But you sent me for coffee,” she said weakly.
I tutted. “Are you making excuses for missing the meeting?”
She shook her head, opening her mouth to argue, then pressing it shut again, her full lips almost disappearing in a thin line. “No. I’m sorry.”
I was disappointed I didn’t get to see the fire I knew she had in her. “Find a way to get the notes from the meeting and learn to manage your time better. It’s your first day, but you have to realize that publishing is probably a lot more fast-paced than what you’re used to.”
She really looked like she was going to let me have it then. I leaned forward, eager to get into it with her. I’d win, of course, but I’d also enjoy the battle. She nodded, promised to get me the notes, and apologized again before she scurried out of my office, closing the door behind her.
I didn’t have time to feel like the utter ass that I was clearly being, because I got a text message from a woman I briefly dated a few months ago. She was probably my last ditch effort at having a real relationship, and when I recognized what a selfish, materialistic, borderline psycho she was, I packed it in and went to one-nighters only.
It’s my birthday! Have dinner with me.
I was stunned that she was contacting me out of the blue, when our last encounter was less than friendly. I practically had to drag her out of my apartment. I couldn’t remember what I saw in her to try to have a relationship in the first place. I did the smart thing and ignored her, but a few seconds later a picture of her wearing only a thong came through on my phone.
Jesus. I deleted it, but not before remembering why I gave her so many second chances.
More where that came from.
Another picture came through, a close up of her open mouth, bright red lipstick, tongue curling over her teeth. The second I deleted it, another one came through. I was only human. Maybe, barely. I glanced at my closed door and imagined Violet out there rubbing her sore feet. Then I heard her laugh and jumped up. Did I open the door a crack and spy on her? No, that would put me at a disadvantage if she caught me. She might even start to suspect I did remember her and know I was getting revenge.
Instead I pressed my ear to the door. Sure enough, she was chatting with Jed. About their super fun lunch date. God, I never knew how tenacious that guy was. It was kind of pathetic, but she clearly didn’t think so. My phone dinged again and I looked down to see a massive pair of breasts. Well, that was kind of pathetic, too. I realized I had my ear pressed to the door and knew I was the king of them. I needed to get Violet out of my system or my work was going to start suffering and that was the only part of my life I had a handle on.
I texted back.Just dinner.
She sent me a string of inane smiley faces and I groaned, wondering what I’d gotten myself into. Then I smiled, my cruel heart getting a little thrill. I buzzed Violet and called her into my office.
“Yes, Mr. Crenshaw?”
I couldn’t stand hearing her call me that, hungry to hear her call me by my first name. “We’re a fairly casual office. Please call me Eli.”
She nodded. “If that’s what you prefer. I hope you’ll call me Violet, then, instead of Ms. Shandy.”
Or instead of Marti?I thought. “Good. Now, I need you to buy a birthday present for a friend of mine who I’m seeing for dinner tonight. You’ll have to go on your lunch break. Just grab something while you’re out or you can eat at your desk later.”
She was a blank slate, and I couldn’t tell if she was more irritated or disappointed. I hoped it was irritation because the thought of her being disappointed over missing lunch with Jed put me in a very bad mood.
“What kind of gift would you like to get for this friend? A man or a woman?”
Hmmm, was she a little jealous as well? “A woman, and it needs to be special. Pick out something you’d really like to receive if it was your birthday.”
“Er, romantic?” she asked, sounding like she might choke. It could have been because this was wholly unprofessional, but my glee rose in my chest.
“Very romantic.”
I went back to my work and watched her out of the corner of my eye as she stalked back to her office. There, I’d ruined her little date with Jed. I decided to make it up to her by moving her desk out of the glare while she was out.
Chapter 6 - Violet