“Dad would be proud of you, too,” Will said, his voice hoarse with emotion.
I had to look up at the vast blanket of stars overhead to hide the tears that stung my eyes. It was nice to hear their praise after the rough patch I’d gone through. I finally leaned over and kissed Violet. None of it would have happened without her.
“I love you so much,” I said so only she could hear.
“I love you, too,” she whispered back, returning my kiss.
Every day I didn’t think I could be happier and every day I was proven wrong. Right at that moment I was the happiest I’d ever been, but I knew that tomorrow would only be better.
“So, you two need to get married next,” Laurel said, twisting her wedding ring proudly. “When’s that going to happen?”
I took Violet’s hand and smiled at her. “As soon as she’s ready I’ll upgrade her ring. It’s up to her.”
She snatched her hand back and hugged it to her chest. “I love this ring and I’m never changing it.” Reaching to put her hand back in mine, she smiled widely. “I’m ready any time.”
Ben slapped the table. “Set a date, set a date,” he chanted.
Soon Laurel joined in and then Will. The kids heard the commotion and ran out, taking up the chant. I rolled my eyes and looked at Violet. She shrugged.
“We do love planning projects together. Why not have our wedding be the next one?”
My family, Violet’s family now, all cheered. We got out our phones and soon found a date six months away that worked for all of us.
“It’s official,” Will said. “They’re getting married.”
Another round of cheers. I stood up and pulled Violet to my chest and twirled her around.
“I can’t wait until you’re my wife,” I told her.
The kids danced in a circle around us, and Violet kissed me through her happy tears and laughter.
I was already happier than I’d been just an hour ago. I couldn’t wait for whatever the future had to bring, as long as Violet was by my side for all of it.