Page 30 of Bossy Billionaire

She looked up and rubbed her bleary eyes, a big smile taking over her pretty face. “Now that we know we can get those local galleries on board, I think we should definitely go with the dedicated column every month. Each gallery gets their own write-up, but also something like a story to go with it. That way we can ease some product placement in as well.” She pushed her tablet over to me, and I scooted closer. I didn’t need to, I just wanted to. “We’ve got the back-to-school theme up first, but then I was thinking we could do something about the opera for September?”

I’d never been more turned on by her. This long running project was going to be a resounding success, bring a lot of attention to local businesses and best of all, to my magazine. Her brilliant mind astounded me, and it kind of pissed me off that she’d been stuck in an assistant position for three years at her other job. Either her boss was selfishly trying to keep her to herself or just hadn’t realized her potential. There was nothing wrong with being a career assistant. I would have crumbled long ago without Alfred. But Violet clearly wanted more and deserved more.

“This is perfect,” I said. “I think we’re ready to turn it in. What do you think?”

She bit her lip. “I guess I’m as happy with it as I can be. Yes, let’s do it.” She looked around and realized how late it was. “Oh wow, after dark, again.”

“We were in the zone,” I said. “We’re a great team.” I kept looking at her, wishing she’d realize how good we could be, having to be grateful I had her in my life at all. “Let’s get pizza to celebrate. We can walk to the stand at the corner, and I’ll have a driver take you home after.”

Since I made sure to make it seem casual, she agreed, rubbing her stomach. “I’m starving.” Her eyes widened when she saw what time it was. “Ten o’clock? Maybe we should just call it a night.”

I shook my head and stood, holding out my hand to help her up. “No way, you just admitted to being starved. And we need to celebrate.”

We strolled, leaning against one another out of exhaustion, and breaking out into tired giggles for no reason. We were both so happy and proud of our work, and despite yearning for more, I realized I was the happiest I’d been since before the accident. I felt normal again, and hoped I could stay on the right track.

“Let’s walk a little more,” I suggested when we got our slices. “Shake out the cobwebs.”

“Yeah, I might fall asleep if we sat down,” she said.

It felt right walking silently with her while we gobbled up our pizza and sipped our sodas.

“I feel like a human again,” I admitted.

“Oh my gosh, me too,” she said. “I was hungry enough to eat my own arm.”

I smiled ruefully. I’d meant because of her, but let her believe it was because I finally ate something. At the next corner, I pointed. “That’s my building,” I said.

Was I hoping our good moods might make her change her mind and she’d suggest we go there? I was definitely dropping the hint.

“Yes, I’m still a bit traumatized by that place,” she said, her smile telling me she was joking.

Well, so much for my not-so-subtle hint to get her back to my place. We kept walking and chatting, first eagerly about our project, then just about little things. We paused now and then to look in shop windows, closed up for the night. I studied her reflection in the windows while she looked over the merchandise. What sort of things did she like? I wanted to buy her everything.

“You didn’t really think that big stuffed elephant was romantic, did you?” I asked.

Her eyes widened as she remembered trying to sabotage my date. “What? No, I love stuffed animals. The bigger the better.”

“Noted,” I said. “For your birthday and Christmas. I used to get Alfred weekend getaways since that’s what he liked, and I like making sure my assistant is happy.”

She made a choked, gurgling noise, and I held in a laugh. “Well, a weekend getaway is fine, too.”

The laughter burst out of me and she joined in. “Yes, the elephant wasn’t cool, but I tried to get her a nice gift, and you were such a jerk about making me race back to the office so that's what I ended up with.”

“I’m actually glad you didn’t get the nice gift,” I said. “And I’m sorry I was a jerk.” I stopped, realizing we were in front of my building. She stopped as well, looking toward the well-lit entry.

“I’m sorry I gave you a fake name in that club and blew you off,” she said, looking up at me. There was no more humor in her eyes, only desire. It shot through me like a cannonball.

“Are you?” I asked.

She nodded. “Everything would have been different.”

“Maybe it was supposed to go this way all along.” I took her by the arms and she stepped closer. “You’re all I think about, Violet. I can’t imagine being with anyone but you now.”

Her eyes searched my face, and I could tell she believed me. A wave of gratitude swept over me because, most of all, I wanted her to know I was a better person than the one I first let her see. The real me was worthy of her if she gave me a chance.

She stood on her toes and I leaned down, unable to stop myself anymore.

Chapter 22 - Violet