Page 41 of The Promise of Home

‘I was thinking.’

‘Translated to, you’ve got a lot on your mind and want to chat about it.’ Summer stepped back and waved her in. ‘Come and tell Aunty Summer all about it.’

‘On one condition.’ Karly held up an index finger. ‘You try and talk some sense into me rather than spouting your loved-up crap.’

Summer wolf-whistled as they headed for the kitchen. ‘Uh-oh, someone’s in a tizz.’

‘You don’t know the half of it.’ She sat on a chair at the tiny dining table in a corner and when Summer pulled a half-empty bottle of chardonnay out of the fridge, Karly nodded. ‘This situation definitely calls for some afternoon drinking.’

‘It’s night-time somewhere in the world so we’re all good.’ Summer poured a slosh into two glasses and handed one to Karly before raising hers. ‘To a good old chinwag.’

‘To sanity prevailing,’ Karly added, before clinking glasses with Summer. ‘I’m thinking of sleeping with Hudson.’

Summer’s eyes widened but she otherwise hid her shock well, taking a seat next to her at the table. ‘Wow. That was fast. I thought you hated his guts?’

‘I do.’

‘So …’

‘I might also have a teensy crush. Madness, I know.’ She made loopy circles at her temple. ‘But I haven’t had fun with a guy in ages and he’s out of here in two days, so it’s the perfect scenario.’

‘Sounds logical.’


Karly knew that look. Summer’s open speculation harboured another twenty questions her friend would bombard her with. Hopefully, they’d be sensible and would help her articulate every reason she shouldn’t be considering this.

‘But isn’t he going to be your new boss?’

Karly wanted to tell her bestie about the other bombshell she’d been contemplating in the car, about potentially moving away from Acacia Haven. But she didn’t want this conversation to be hijacked and that’s exactly what would happen if Summer got wind of her musings.

One problem at a time and right now the number one pain in her arse was Hudson.

‘Technically, not for another two days. He’s given Pop until the end of the week to accept his offer and while Pop has a marshmallow exterior, he can be stubborn when he wants to be, and he’s holding out until the last minute.’

‘Probably out of respect for you,’ Summer said, eyeing her like a deer unable to look away from a lion, terrified to make a move for fear of being pounced on. ‘You sure there’s no way you can buy him out and own the agency outright?’

Karly shook her head, sadness making her chest tighten. ‘I don’t want to take out a second mortgage and that’s what I’d have to do—put up my place as collateral for a business loan—and I can’t do it. I’m not that big of a risk taker.’

‘Understandable. So business isn’t bothering you.’ Summer sipped at her wine, contemplative. ‘Let me guess. You dropped in hoping I’d talk you out of hooking up with Hottie Hudson.’

‘Something like that.’

‘Sorry, hon, you’ve picked the wrong person.’ She pointed to a pair of Jy’s sneakers near the back door. ‘As you can see from my situation, my short-term hook-up turned out to be the love of my life, so you won’t get any “don’t do it you’re mad” lectures from me.’

Karly frowned at the thought of remotely loving Hudson any time in the future. ‘I know it’ll mean nothing, and we’ve got this sparring thing going on so there’s a definite attraction, but I’m wondering if it’s worth it.’

‘If he’s good at it, it’s always worth it.’ Summer sniggered before draining her glass. ‘I’ve never known you to hang back, Karl. You’re always take-charge and if you want something you go for it. Why stop now?’

Because she had a sneaking suspicion she liked Hudson for more than his body and that scared her. His intellect spoke to her in a way she’d never experienced before. They were like-minded when it came to business and she hadn’t met a guy who challenged her on all levels.

Then again, she only dated sporadically for a bit of fun when the mood took her and she’d never had a serious relationship, so her experience with men was limited. And while this would be nothing more than a hook-up, she knew she was in danger of liking Hudson more than was good for her.

‘I knew you’d be a bad influence,’ Karly said, pushing away her untouched wine.

Summer’s eyebrow arched. ‘Isn’t that why you came here? Because you knew I’d encourage you and you’ve already made up your mind?’

Damn her friend for being right.