Page 21 of The Promise of Home

She lost her balance and catapulted headfirst into the pool, the water drowning her outrage a moment before she spluttered to the surface.

‘You’re an idiot,’ she muttered, biting back a smile as she swiped water from her eyes.

‘And you’re gorgeous when you’re indignant.’

His grin made her skin pebble. Though that could be the result of her sudden dunking. Her excuse and she was sticking to it.

‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ She slicked her hair back and submerged into the water so it lapped her neck. ‘I never skive off work.’


‘It’s too important to me. Pop gave me a chance when he took me on and I want to make sure I do a good job.’

‘How long have you worked together?’

‘Eleven years. I did the real estate course in Melbourne, and a two-month stint at an agency there, before returning home and slotting straight into the business.’

‘He must be proud of you.’

Admiration glinted in his gaze and it undermined her more than any compliment he could’ve uttered. ‘It’s always been Pop and me against the world.’

‘You’re lucky to have family to depend on.’

‘You don’t?’

His expression blanked as if he’d pulled shutters down. ‘No.’

She had no right to pry and didn’t want to, but before she could come up with something to say his hands skimmed across the water, creating a wave he directed at her. The splash blinded her for a second and when she blinked the water out of her eyes, he’d vanished. Only to pop up behind her, rest his hands on her shoulders, and push her under.

Karly had no idea how long they play-wrestled for, splashing and ducking and weaving like a couple of kids, but when they got out of the pool and draped their towels over their tired bodies, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun.

‘I’d offer you another instant coffee but your tastebuds might rebel,’ she said. ‘I’m heading back to the agency so do you want to tag along and grab one of Nev’s at the Vault?’

‘Sounds good.’ He shook his head like a dog, spraying water droplets everywhere. ‘Does she serve food? I’m starving.’

‘Yeah, she does a mean frittata. Her quiches are good too. Though she’s always concocting a dish of the week and it’ll be packed with veggies, quinoa and chia.’

‘Only vegan stuff, I presume?’

‘Yeah, funny that, being called the Vegan Vault and all,’ she deadpanned, and he chuckled, its low timbre rippling over her like a caress. ‘I’m kidding. She does cook other stuff besides vegan to cater for everybody in town.’

‘I’ll get changed and meet you there in ten?’

‘Sure.’ She couldn’t fathom his intense stare as she knotted the towel over her breasts, wondering if he knew she’d lied.

She didn’t hate him. Far from it. And considering their opposing views on the agency’s future, that could only mean one thing.




The tempting aromas of sautéed onion, cumin, chilli and garlic greeted Hudson as he stepped into the Vegan Vault. His stomach rumbled and he zeroed in on the variety of salads, savoury muffins and pasties in the window of the front counter. He maintained a healthy diet but vegan fare wouldn’t be his first choice, yet right now he was so ravenous he’d happily devour a truckload of tofu.

When he tore his gaze away from the food display, he found Karly and another woman behind the counter staring at him with matching amused expressions. Hell, had he been drooling?

Karly smirked as he reached them. ‘You’re like a little kid if swimming makes you hungry.’