Page 13 of The Promise of Home

He paused at the door to glance at the properties available for sale or rent; like real estate agencies the world over, the front windows were filled with photos of current vacancies and properties on the market, though what surprised him was the number ofSoldstickers. He’d expected more of a downturn in spring, unless these were properties that had sold a while ago and Karly liked to keep the windows full to show how good she was at her job.

Only one way to find out.

Entering the agency, he spied Jeremiah Vogel at a desk in one corner, his gaze fixed on the computer screen in front of him. He recognised the owner from his headshot on the agency’s website, with his peppery hair, goatee and bright blue eyes. He didn’t fit the image of a grandfather on the verge of retirement, as the rumours suggested he was. This guy looked like he could sell houses for another two decades at least.

As the door swung shut, Jeremiah looked up and stood. ‘Can I help you?’

‘I hope so. Dot from the motel said you could help me out? I was booked to stay there but it’s flooded from a burst water pipe, and I need short-term accommodation for a few nights.’

Jeremiah screwed up his face. ‘Sorry, mate, all our short-term rentals are fully booked at the moment. A lot of farmers in town for some informal eco training out at Serenity.’

Damn. He had no intention of driving back to Melbourne or putting off his meeting with the man in front of him. ‘Could you see if there’s anything in Inverloch?’

‘There’s nothing. Sorry. We’ve had a few queries online and I’ve had to turn them all away.’

While Jeremiah sounded friendly enough, Hudson wondered if he was deliberately giving him the brush-off. ‘Could you please check?’

‘Don’t need to.’ Jeremiah tapped his temple. ‘I’ve been at this caper a long time and I know all our vacancies at any given time up here.’

‘Impressive,’ Hudson said, ‘but it’s imperative I find somewhere to stay for a few nights.’

A cunning spark lit the older man’s eyes. ‘Does this involve a woman?’

‘Something like that,’ he muttered, not wanting to divulge his identity until he secured accommodation. If Karly had told her grandfather what had gone down between them, he had a feeling Jeremiah would run him out of town rather than help.

‘In that case, I do have something, but it’s off the books.’

Hudson didn’t like the sound of that. He’d known a few agents over the years who pulled shady deals, including renting out rooms at their own homes like unofficial hosts rather than going through proper channels. ‘What is it?’

‘I’ve got a granny flat out the back of my place. It’s been empty for years and you’re welcome to stay there for a few nights, rent-free.’

Hudson felt bad for thinking the worst of the old guy. Not many would offer a stranger a place to stay for free. Definitely something to be said for country hospitality.

‘Are you sure? I can pay you—’

‘No, it’s all good. My granddaughter’s due back any second, and once she’s manning this place I can take you there.’

The last thing Hudson wanted was a run-in with Karly before he’d settled in, but Jeremiah had been nothing but pleasant and he wanted to be upfront with the man whose agency he hoped to acquire.

‘That might not be such a good idea.’ He grimaced. ‘I think I’m in her bad books.’

Jeremiah studied him with renewed interest. ‘Are you a boyfriend? She never tells me anything, but I’m all ears now.’

‘I’m not a boyfriend,’ he said, momentarily wondering what it would be like to be in a relationship with a strong-willed woman like Karly. He preferred casual dating with women who expected nothing of him. He had a feeling Karly would be the antithesis of that. ‘Full disclosure, I’m Hudson Grenville, and I’ve come to town to discuss buying your agency.’

Rather than flipping him the finger as Hudson half expected, Jeremiah grinned and looked him up and down. ‘So you’re the reason my Karly’s in such a dither?’

Dither was an understatement if the way she’d glared at him through the computer screen on Saturday was any indication. She’d skewered him with her eyes, her disdain almost palpable.

‘I’m not sure if she told you, but we met at a conference in Melbourne about six months ago, and we had a video meeting on the weekend. I’ve told her my plans to acquire this agency and she’s less than impressed.’

‘That’s my girl,’ Jeremiah said with a shrug. ‘She loves this place, but we’ve already had a chat about my plans to sell up and I’m hoping she’ll come around to the idea.’

Relief filtered through him. If Jeremiah was open to selling, this acquisition would proceed a lot smoother than anticipated.

‘I’m glad you’re amenable to the idea, Mr Vogel. Perhaps we could set up a meeting for later this afternoon or first thing tomorrow?’

‘It’s Jeremiah, but my friends call me Jem.’