Page 23 of The Promise of Home

Nev nodded. ‘It’s more than a job for her; it’s been her life.’

He wanted to say that was sad, that a vibrant woman like her deserved more than devoting herself to her job, but it wasn’t his place to offer an opinion.

‘Word of advice?’


‘Karly’s determined. So if you think she’ll be a pushover, you’ll be sorely surprised.’

‘I don’t think anything of the sort. I respect her diligence and I’ll make sure my offer is fair and above-board.’

Nev gave a nod but scepticism radiated off her. ‘I better get back to work. Nice meeting you, Hudson.’

‘You too.’

After paying for his share—he should’ve known independent Karly wouldn’t even let him buy her a coffee—and leaving a generous tip, he headed out into the sunshine. It blinded him for a second and he knocked shoulders with a guy coming the other way.

‘Sorry, mate,’ he said, steadying the other man, who appeared surprisingly overdressed in a suit, shirt and tie from what he’d seen of the town’s inhabitants so far.

‘No worries.’ The other guy sized him up. ‘You new in town?’

‘Just here on business for a few days. You?’

‘I’m a teacher, principal and jack of all trades at the local school.’ The guy stuck out his hand. ‘Jy Atherton.’

He shook it. ‘Hudson Grenville.’

‘Why do I know that name?’

Hudson grimaced. ‘Don’t tell me. You’re friends with Karly and she’s been bad-mouthing me.’

The confusion in Jy’s eyes cleared and he snapped his fingers. ‘My girlfriend, Summer, is Karly’s best friend, so she might’ve mentioned you.’

‘All bad, I’m assuming.’

Jy tapped his temple. ‘Mate, my head is so full of curriculum stuff I can’t remember a bloody thing half the time. Why would it be bad?’

‘Because I want to buy the real estate agency and let’s just say Karly’s not as amenable to the idea as her grandfather is.’

‘Ah, right. Good luck with that.’

‘I think I’m going to need it.’

‘Listen, if you’re still around on Friday night, most of the town gathers at the pub for dinner. Summer, Karly and Nev usually hang out at the beach with fish and chips, so it might be a good time for you to get a feel for the place. And maybe we could catch up for a beer and I’ll give you the lowdown?’

Hudson had no intention of hanging around until Friday but Jy’s offer was too good to refuse. He could do with an objective viewpoint and getting to know a few locals in their natural habitat could only be a good thing. Perhaps he could invite Jeremiah too?

‘Sounds good.’ He slipped a business card out of his pocket and handed it over. ‘My number’s on there if you want to text me a time to meet.’

‘Thanks.’ Jy grinned. ‘I’m looking forward to watching you match wits with the lovely Karly.’

After the way she’d thawed towards him in the pool this afternoon, the first time he’d had genuine fun in ages, he was looking forward to it too.



Karly, Summer and Nev rarely called an emergency meeting at the beach, but today’s events warranted it. Besides, if Karly hadn’t arranged to meet her friends Nev would’ve done it anyway, as she’d already texted her three times demanding the lowdown on Hudson.