Leo made a face and threw up his hands.
‘Yes, well, if His Serene Highness will insist on looking like a pirate...’ Matteo’s lip curled as he studied Leo’s overlong hair and new beard ‘...he must accept his choices for evening wear will be limited.’
Leo suppressed a sigh. ‘I just want to look right this evening.’
‘In what way were the three perfectly appropriate tuxedos not accomplishing that?’ his valet asked in exasperation.
Hell,Leo thought,I am losing it.
He’d see her. He’d smile. He’d exchange pleasantries. They’d share a dance, as would be expected of them, then he’d move on to his other guests.
He made his decision. She couldn’t be in his life and he’d live with it.
Seb was helping himself to a brandy. ‘I came by before I go to collect my date because I thought you’d like an update on the charity dinner.’
The one held two days ago, that Leo had been invited to but had at the last minute conjured up something or other that had absolutely required his personal attendance—as he had for every function he and Violetta had both been due to attend—and for this one sent Seb in his place.
‘Thanks. No update needed.’
Seb’s glass paused on the way to his lips.
‘You’re not going to ask how she was? Or what I discovered?’
He yearned to know.
‘It’s not really of interest,’ he said, casually collecting a cufflink from its box. ‘But as you’re apparently burning to tell me, what did you discover?’
‘She’s working very long hours, she’s losing weight, and that she seems rather attached to a certain opal and emerald spider brooch that bears a remarkable resemblance to one I remember seeing in the vaults here.’
Leo fumbled the metal bar he was sliding through his cuff.
She’d lost weight. His petite Violetta was already tiny enough.
He willed his fingers to be steady.
‘I see. And you think this concerns me how?’
‘Well, I was just curious who gave her that brooch and whether that same person may still be concerned for her welfare.’
Leo willed his fingers to be steady and threaded the cufflink.
Who was looking after her, making sure she ate well, got sufficient sleep? Luisa appeared competent, and obviously cared about her mistress, but Violetta was stubborn. Would she listen, do as she was told, eat properly, rest? Goddamn it, he hated being so helpless to do anything.
‘You broke her heart, you know,’ Seb said.
Matteo paused in brushing the tuxedos, listening intently.
Leo frowned to mask the sudden crushing pain in his chest.
‘She wanted something I wasn’t able to give. I did her a kindness. It would have ended badly.’
‘So two people, who are meant to be together, living alone and miserable is a good ending?’
‘I didn’t know you could be so sentimental,’ Leo drawled.
‘You’re in love with her. Everyone knows it, except you!’ He scrutinised Leo’s face. ‘Or you do, which makes what you did to her even worse.’
Seb marched over to inspect one of the rejected tuxedos.