‘I do hope you give him a chance, though. My son is a good man and he deserves to be happy. I think you’re just what he needs.’

Lily took a gulp of coffee.

‘The twins have been good for him, of course,’ Eleanor said. ‘He was certainly less desolate once they arrived. When Khaled was born there were complications, and we were told I’d have no more babies. At the time it was devastating, but Bassam and I were grateful for the two boys. After losing Faisal, and seeing Khaled so altered by it, we decided to take some advice. Treatment had moved on, you see. And we were fortunate to be blessed with our girls.’

‘The twins have helped him?’ Lily asked, grateful for the change of subject.

‘Yes, although nothing has stopped him from punishing himself. He works all the time. I think he was actually glad to take on his father’s responsibilities. He wants to make amends.’

‘Amends?’ Lily asked, surprised. ‘For what?’

Eleanor’s eyes misted over as she looked up at the image of her first-born child. ‘For being the wrong prince to survive.’

Lily stared again at the smiling man who strove every day for the good of others and yet believed he personally had no right to exist.

‘The boys and their father had gone into the desert,’ Eleanor said. ‘They loved racing dune buggies. But that morning Faisal lost control of his. The poor boy. He was always a little wild...’

She trailed off, but then roused herself. ‘But I didn’t invite you here to get all maudlin. It’s Bassam’s anniversary party in a month, and I wondered if you’d consider staying with us until then. Khaled will be away in America briefly, and I know you might have plans to accompany him, but there would still be time for you to get to know the country. To see if you might like to stay permanently.’

Staying permanently wasn’t an option. Lily knew that. But to stay for another month...? If she did, maybe she’d be able to help Nate? But would she emerge on the other side with her heart intact?

She was falling more and more for this place. For the kindness of Eleanor and the welcome of the family. For the heat and endless sunshine.

And...for Khaled.

The tyrant who’d melted her heart.

Who would never really have time for her.

‘Please say yes. We’d be delighted to have you,’ Eleanor said.

If she agreed, Khaled would be furious. After his performance this morning she’d take some pleasure in that. So before she could talk herself out of it she heard herself say, ‘I’d love to.’

Eleanor clapped her hands together. ‘Wonderful. Perhaps Nate will arrive in time to join us? You know, Bassam and I were delighted when he took the job as director of the charity. He’s already exceeded the initial targets. The biggest coup, of course, was recently getting all those millions from George. I never knew my cousin had any interest in conservation...’

Lily tried to hide her shock. George Hyde-Wallace had made a donation to the fund just before a chunk of it went missing? Something didn’t sound right with that...

But doing anything with the information would have to wait. The girls had arrived for their promised morning by the pool.


SOMEHOURSLATER,Khaled was reflecting on his morning. It wasn’t the worst he’d ever had—but, hell, it was up there.

First that spat outside the breakfast room, which had left him ready to snap the head off anyone who crossed him—not the best of moods for his series of morning meetings.

He’d started with a delegation from the United Nations, finalising details for his speech to the General Assembly in New York later that month. Nothing in his career to date had been more important, nor had consumed his professional life so completely, yet no less than three times Sabir had had to prompt him when his attention had wandered.

He’d actually lost his train of thought completely when he’d imagined he’d heard Lily’s quick, light step approaching, and the maid bringing refreshments for his UN visitors had quailed under the Prince’s fierce glare and hastily retreated after serving the guests. He’d concocted a plausible apology and had it conveyed to the woman. It wasn’t her fault she’d been mistaken for Lily. But when had he learned the sound of her footsteps—and, more importantly, why was he allowing it to matter?

The second meeting had been with the Qaydari ambassador, who’d changed his tune since the last time they’d met, and had arrived with a new set of proposals, finally granting the concessions Khaled had requested. A result—or so he’d thought.

Until the man had revealed the outrageous caveat.

IfNabhan would meet all costs for building the new dam and its associated infrastructure.

He’d barely stopped himself from telling the ambassador where he could stick his concessions. Parading Lily as his new lover hadn’t softened the King’s stance at all. If anything, he’d become more demanding. And Khaled had wondered, not for the first time, if he really wanted to align himself and his country with such a man.

His anger had still been simmering when the third set of guests had walked into hismajlis. This time from the Marsh Bedouin, to discuss the conservation work for the marshlands they depended on, and the funds raised at the recent charity launch. Five men in bluedishdashaand redshemaghs. Six, if you counted the additional surprise delegate.