‘I’m Alexander Hastings, by the way,’ he said softly.

‘I know. I think everyone in Melbourne knows. You’ve caused quite a stir.’

‘Have I?’

He had. And it wasn’t just because of his company. There were many pages and groups on social media dedicated to the appreciation of the thirty-two-year-old playboy billionaire, the son of an English Earl, and his good looks. In almost every picture he appeared with a different date. Every one of them tall, leggy. Polished. Now, being so close to him, she could see why.

She wanted to run her fingers over the stubble on his face, to kiss the sharpness of his jaw, to tug on the soft black hair cut in a short quiff. The look in the sky-blue eyes rimmed by thick dark lashes could set her aflame. It was both intense and predatory.

‘I think you know you have.’ She smiled.

‘I do like the attention.’

He smirked, sliding his hand down to rest on the small of her back, pulling her closer and trapping her in his gaze. Never in her life had she wanted to be kissed so badly.

Alex watched as Emma bit her lip, and it made him want to take her right there in the middle of this ballroom. He valued control and she was making that slip.

‘I think we should get a drink,’ he said, breaking the spell.

Even to his own ears he could hear how low his voice had become. He plucked two flutes of champagne off a tray as a waiter walked by and led Emma out onto the pool terrace. She made a beeline for the railing, looking out at the city bathed in light against an inky sky.

‘Isn’t it beautiful?’ There was a faraway look in her eyes.

‘Unbelievably,’ he said, looking down at her, and handed her a glass of the golden liquid.

A chill breeze blew, causing her to shiver slightly. He placed his own glass down and shrugged out of his jacket, draping it over her shoulders.

‘Thank you.’ She smiled.

That smile did things to him. How could he find her so mesmerising when he hadn’t even seen all of her face yet?

Alex wanted to kiss her right then. It didn’t matter that they were at a public event. It didn’t matter that he had only known her for the better part of an hour. He would be gone by morning anyway.

‘I love this city. Have you seen much of it?’

Emma’s voice cut through his thoughts and he had to force himself back to reality.

‘Not nearly enough,’ he answered.

‘Well, Alexander, maybe I’ll show you around sometime.’

The promise caused a stirring in him. He joined her at the railing and never before had he so desperately wanted to leave a party with someone. The sparkle in her eye when she looked at him made him think that maybe she felt the same.

‘Would you like to get a drink?’ he asked.

‘I thought we were having one right now.’ She laughed—a musical chime.

‘I was thinking about somewhere quieter with even better views.’

He bathed her in a crooked smile and Emma’s stomach flipped. She wanted to taste that smile.

She had to bite down a giggle at the errant thought. She was usually cautious. She was never impulsive. But with his scent all around her, she was overwhelmed by his presence. Maybe it was time for a little fun.

‘You know what? I’d love to.’

And there was that smile again.

They placed their glasses down on a nearby cocktail table and he led her out with his warm hand on the small of her back again. She felt the heat radiate through her.