Her calm conviction as she smiled serenely up at him drove him closer to the edges of his self-control.Nobodycould be that stupid and blind!

‘The law relies on facts, not feminine intuition.’

And they had plenty of facts, Soren knew. He had supplied a forensically detailed file that had been forwarded to the police: the list of victims, the varied aliases, and the money. It always followed the money, a lot of it locked away in offshore accounts.

Something in his tone made her glance sharpen on his face. There was nothing to see there beyond the startling perfection, the harmony and strength of angles and planes. Even bone-tired in body and mind she reacted to that beauty...and her feminine intuition was yellingdanger...

He watched as she gave her head a tiny shake, dragging some rich dark strands of hair from her face and raising her arms to combine them briefly at the nape of her neck, the action lifting her narrow ribcage and emphasising her slim, supple curves.

There was something almost feline about her streamlined body. She made zero effort to be provocative; in fact, as impossible as it seemed to him, she seemed oblivious to the innate sensuality she exuded.

‘I’m being realistic, not emotional, all right, I am being emotional but—’ She sighed. ‘This is all so... Well, at least they can’t send him to prison. He’s already there. If he wasn’t he would be able to clear his own name—’ she snapped her fingers ‘—just like that.’ Anna fell into step beside him. ‘He can’t, so I will.’ She wasn’t quite sure how yet, but she was pretty sure it would be harder if she were sitting in a prison cell herself.

Soren slowed his pace to accommodate the difference in their stride and the fact she was limping.

‘We’ll take the lift,’ he said in response to her questioning look as they passed the staircase. ‘When was the last time you ate?’

It was a masterful change of subject. ‘I don’t know.’

‘Eat, then talk strategy.’

She sighed. ‘All right.’

The glass-sided lift whooshed silently to the top of the building. She was in a lift with a man who must be regarded as dangerous by any woman under ninety and she was safe—he was not looking at her, or the multiple reflections of her in the walls, but at his phone. God, it was so depressing!

Not that she wanted to have to fight him off, but just a little frisson of possibility would have made her feel more like a...woman.Sure, because there’s nothing that makes you feel more like a woman than fighting a man off in a lift.

Would you be fighting?

Soren waited until she had exited the lift before he emerged. The scent of her perfume in the enclosed space had been driving him crazy.

‘This way...’

She entered a little ahead of him.

‘This is very...’ She looked curiously round the loft-style open-plan space; it was like a photo shoot for a glossy magazine. Minimalist and expensively impersonal. She chose the room’s selling point. ‘Lovely view.’ One wall was glass and looked out over the river.

He wasn’t looking at the room; he had been looking at her behind and now he was scrutinising her legs. His expression did not suggest admiration.

‘First, we sort that foot.’

‘It’s fine,’ she said, trying not to wince as she stamped her foot down to prove her point. While she’d been in the police station adrenaline and panic had blurred any pain, but now her screaming nerve endings were making themselves felt.

‘Take it off.’ Their eyes clashed and he added drily, ‘Your shoe.’

‘I won’t be able to get it back on.’

He arched a sardonic brow and looked bored. ‘And that is a bad thing why?’

She sighed and limped across to one of the immaculate crease-free sofas. Lowering herself onto it, she bent her leg and slowly peeled off the offending shoe, before settling back with a sigh and stretching her throbbing foot out in front of her.

There was a grimace of distaste on her face as she tilted her foot from side to side to see the offending area.

‘I think the blister might have burst.’ There was no think about it; it was a mess.

‘What are you doing?’

‘I don’t want to get blood on your sofa.’ Actually, the rug was white too.