Lying on top of him, Maya could feel the deep ripples of his muscles as she touched him, exploring the hard counters of his body. Surrendering to the urgency that was burning her up from the inside out, she revelled in the freedom he was giving her to express herself, the lack of any boundaries, as his hands and mouth were everywhere, drawing gasps and moans from her.

When he asked her what she liked she told him with breathless honesty.

‘Everything...every part of you.’

His control broke and then she was beneath him, her legs parted, as he teased her with the pressure of his erection against her damp mound until finally he couldn’t hold out any longer. Grabbing a packet from his wallet, he sheathed himself quickly and surged smoothly into her.

The pleasure that rushed through her as he entered her drew a deep moan of ecstasy from her lips. Gasping and trembling with an overload of feeling, she reached up and kissed him on his mouth before trailing her tongue along the damp corded skin of his throat.

Then it began in earnest, the slow delicious torment of his fluid, sensuous advance and retreat. The intimacy of being joined with him was like nothing she had imagined it could be; she could literallyfeelthe thudding of his heart against her own. Having him inside her felt so incrediblyright, and with each thrust he touched a part of her that no one had ever touched before, winding her tighter and tighter until she felt as if she were going to explode into a million stars.

She opened her eyes and saw the raw naked need in his eyes; it was like looking into a mirror and seeing exactly what she felt on someone else’s face.

The sudden intensity of her release was shocking, like free falling without a parachute but with no impact, just waves and waves of bone-deep drowning pleasure that was better than even the most vivid of her dreams...


MAYASLOWLYFLOATEDback down to earth. There was sound and light, and she could see an expanse of blue through the incredible domed glass ceiling.

What would it be like to just lie here with your lover and do nothing except make love under this roof of stars? Well, she didn’t have a lover and she hadn’t made love either. She’d just had sex, and now it was over.

He rolled away from her and as she looked at his sweat-slicked face through the veil of her lashes she could see that the distancing was not just physical.

Was it wrong to want to prolong the moment, hold on to the image of delicious warm intimacy for a little while longer, even if it wasn’t real? Well, it was what she wanted, even though she knew a clean break would be less painful, so she closed her eyes and went for the masochistic option.

Not that she had any room for complaint. This was exactly what she had signed up for and she’d do it again in the blink of an eye.

As her breathing gradually slowed, she knew there was probably a‘You should have told me’coming, but she wanted to both delay the moment...and stretch out this moment at the same time.

It said something about her day when discovering an observatory in the middle of a forest was the least surprising thing that had happened to her!

She turned her head and looked into the eyes of the most surprising thing. His expression was veiled, and it didn’t alter even when she reached out and laid her hand on his chest, feeling the thud of his heart through her fingertips, still wanting to keep a connection, any connection, between them.

‘I keep thinking, what if you hadn’t been in the woods at exactly the moment that I stumbled across the boar?’

He looked at her sharply and gave a harsh laugh that faded quickly. ‘Stumbled,’ he echoed. ‘You think it was a lucky coincidence or fate maybe?’

‘Wasn’t it?’

‘No, it was not. It was because old Santino nearly gave himself a heart attack running to get help,’ he said grimly. ‘The only coincidence involved was him bumping into me first. He was totally desperate. He said you were going into the woods even though he had warned you about the boars, and explained how dangerous the females were when they had litters in this season, and how one boar had killed his dog last year.’

The gruesome details made her flinch. ‘Thegardener, Santino?’

‘Yes, the gardener, Santino. How could you be so foolish, so arrogant, as to ignore his warning and put yourself in danger like that?’ He’d been so angry, he’d intended to shake her when he found her; instead he’d made passionate love to her.

‘But he doesn’t speak much English and I...oh, God...cinghiale.He waswarning me. I didn’t understand. I just pretended to because he seemed so upset.’ There was a slightly hysterical sound to her laughter, and she had to literally bite her tongue to stop it.

Beside her Samuele had gone very quiet; he had rolled onto his side, and now he lay propped on one elbow looking down at her. She refused to meet his eyes, because she knew exactly what was coming.

And it came, although his voice was not as cold as she’d expected; it was totally neutral, which was somehow worse.

Samuele had to force himself to unclench the muscles in his jaw so he could speak. ‘You know that can’t happen again, Maya,’ he said. Inside his head, he was thinking,You knew it shouldn’t have happened even once, Sam! Virgin, she’d been a virgin!God, this was utter madness. He’d used the‘This isjust sex’line on her as though it were some sort of magic talisman that let him break his self-imposed rule about sleeping with her, and now look what had happened!

‘Why didn’t you tell me I was your first?’

Maya sighed, retracting the hand that had still been touching his hair-roughened thigh, and finally met his penetrating gaze. ‘It wasn’t relevant.’ She felt him stiffen and saw the outrage flare in his eyes...which jolted her temper into life.

‘It wasmychoice who I slept with first, Samuele. Mine. When, where and with whom, and I made my choice. I don’t think I owe you any explanations, do I? Because, like you said, it was just sex and that happens to suit me perfectly.’