A strong sense of self-preservation made her rush immediately into rationalisation mode—of course she wanted love; didn’t everyone? Only a fool would fall in love with a man who didn’t believe in love...a man who had to all intents and purposes walled off his own feelings. But could she really walk away from what Zain was offering after she’d experienced a passion more intense than she had ever thought possible? Love was wonderful but there was also something to be said for a physical connection that defied explanation.

So maybe this was nothing more than strong sexual attraction—very strong...primal even—amplified by their first dramatic meeting and the fact she had just made love to the man who had haunted her dreams ever since he rode to her rescue. From a safe distance she could call it temporary insanity, but there was no reason to call it anything else now, not when she could embrace the opportunity Zain was giving her and enjoy the situation as it was.

Her muddled thoughts were interrupted as he kissed her, his lips warm and persuasive, moving over her body. Suddenly none of the questions seemed to matter so much. She would take what was on offer!

‘I want this too...’ he said against her mouth. ‘Besides, I’m not about to give grist to the rumour mill by taking anyone other than my wife to bed, especially considering the new developments.’

‘What new developments?’

‘My father told me tonight that he intends to abdicate in my favour. I persuaded him to wait before he announces anything, but eyes are going to be watching me very closely once this leaks.’

Which, of course, it would.

‘That means you’re going to—’ The rest was lost in the warmth of his mouth.

‘Be very frustrated,’ he rasped against her lips, ‘if you don’t focus on the next lesson.’

His voice in the semi-darkness made her shiver. ‘There’s a next lesson?’

It turned out there were two more that night.