She gasped, her heart pumping as her smoky stare connected with his. The carnal image that flashed into her head of him inside her so hot and hard made her fingers tighten, and she felt rather than heard the feral moan that vibrated deep within the vault of his chest as he took her hand away and held it on the pillow beside her face. With his free hand he stroked down her cheek and, holding her eyes, slid one and then the other thin strap of her nightdress off her shoulders.

He leaned in close, his breath warm on her cheek. ‘Your skin is like silk,’ he rasped, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the blue-veined hollow at the base of her throat. ‘I want to see you.’

The erotic statement took her breath away and tightened the hard knot of desire low in her belly but also released a flicker of fear that spoilt the moment.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘You do realise that my photos are airbrushed, right?’ She looked at him through her lashes, her body language defensive as she pushed out, ‘I’m not perfect...and I’ve never really felt this way before...’

He caught her two clenched fists and brought them up to his lips. ‘You are beautiful.’

Her lashes lifted from her cheek.

‘And I want... I need you.’

The raw, driven quality of his admission started to melt away her doubts and the hungry kiss that followed it completed the job.

She lay there breathing hard as he levered himself far enough away to pull her nightdress down to her waist. His eyes made her think of blue molten fire, and they left a burning trail on her skin as he hungrily absorbed her quivering breasts, cupping one in his hand. When he ran his tongue across the engorged peak, she stopped thinking at all.

It ought to have felt strange to be touched but it just felt gloriously right.

The sight of his dark head against her breast was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. When he lifted his head his cheekbones were scored with dull colour. ‘I want to feel you around me, Abigail, holding me tight.’

She struggled to force her response past the aching occlusion in her throat as his words sparked a flame into life inside her. She had wanted him, wanted to give him comfort, wanted to feel it in return—to feel warm and safe—but this was not comfort, it was something hotter and more dangerous, something wild. Her skin felt heated and she was shaking with need as he caressed her breast once more, and then, as she moaned against his mouth, he took hold of the fabric bunched at her waist and pulled.

There was a jagged tearing sound and then a moment later cool air was on her hot skin.

She opened her eyes as he levered himself away and pulled herself into a sitting position, but the protest in her face faded away when she saw he had only left her to kick away his shorts.

As he turned back to her, her greedy glance slid over the strong, perfect contours of his body. The power and the beauty of his fully aroused male body made her head spin with desire that thudded like a hammer in her head and pooled hotly between her legs.

A hand on her breastbone, he pushed her back down and brought his hands to either side of her face as he covered her body with his.

The first skin-to-skin contact of their naked bodies was electric. He parted her lips and sank his tongue deep into her mouth, the repeated penetration a rehearsal for what was to come. Abby sank her finger into his hair and kissed him back with a wild, combative ferocity that matched his.

His hands were everywhere, touching her, caressing her until her pleasure-saturated nerves were screaming for some sort of relief.

When his hand slid between her legs, his finger spreading the sensitive folds and sliding into the warm slickness of her femininity, she screamed his name.


Her fingers clawed his back as he parted her legs and mounted her, his powerful body, slick with sweat, rearing over her before he slid into her in one powerful thrust.

A slow sigh hissed through her parted lips as, head thrown back, she absorbed the sensation of him inside her, making her aware of herself in a way that she had never experienced before.

Her eyelids flickered as she heard the astonished growl of his exclamation, the words muffled as his head dropped into her shoulder, then lifting fractionally. This time she could make out what he was saying and hear the concern in his deep voice.

‘Are you all right?’

All right? She was absolutely incredible! ‘Better than all right,’ she husked. ‘Don’t stop, please...?’

‘I couldn’t even if I wanted to!’ The tension in the raw admission was mirrored in the taut, strained lines of his face as he began to move again, drawing a sigh of relief from Abby. The sigh of pleasure became something more as by slow, careful increments he sank deeper before pulling out, repeating the movement, touching places that fed directly to the pleasure centres in her brain.

Her back arching, she grabbed his hips, pulling him deeper into her. There were no barriers of any sort between them, there was no check on the things she said to him, the words she used to urge him on as she wrapped her legs tight around him and let him take her into uncharted territory with each stroke.

She reached the explosive climax a second after she felt his hot release inside her; every muscle in her body spasmed then relaxed, the process repeating until she lay spent and breathing hard, pressed down into the mattress by his weight.

She was still floating some place out of her body when he moved to lie beside her on his back.