He slid effortlessly into Greek as he added something to Tatiana, who nodded in agreement.

‘Well, that settles it, then, you’ll stay with us...at least for tonight...to let me say thank you...?’

‘But your grandmother is unwell...’ Chloe began searching desperately for a legitimate reason to refuse their hospitality, or at least a reason that wasn’t, I really can’t be around your brother because I don’t want to be reminded of something I want but can’t have, and shouldn’t even want to begin with!

It sounded convoluted even in her own head, but then so was her relationship with Nik. Except she didn’t have a relationship with Nik. She closed one eye as the eyelid tic started up again.

‘She’s a lot better.’

‘Yaya is a tough old bird,’ Nik said gruffly, the warmth in his voice when he spoke of his grandmother unmistakeable.

And I’m sure there are some serial killers who love their grannies too,Chloe reminded herself as she fought hard against any lowering of the levels of antagonism that she felt were essential to maintain. Bad enough that she lusted after him, liking him as well would be too, too much to take.

‘Well, that’s settled, you’ll follow us,’ Tatiana announced.

Chloe, who was pretty sure that she hadn’t agreed to anything, not that that seemed to bother anyone in the Latsis family, opened her mouth to protest but Tatiana was telling Eugenie to throw her bag in the back. ‘Or, better still, Nik can take the scenic route and show Chloe...oh, no!’ Her eyes slid past her brother and her enthusiasm morphed into dismay. ‘Get in the car,’ she said sharply to her daughter, then, after adding something urgent-sounding in Greek to Nik, she climbed in beside the girl and slipped back into English, saying hastily, ‘Sorry, Nik, but I don’t want Eugenie to get caught up in this.’

Nik, who had turned to follow the direction his sister was looking, nodded. ‘You get going. Chloe, get in the car.’

Tatiana was already starting up the engine and Chloe couldn’t help turning round to see what had caused her friend to rush off.

There was a woman approaching them, about fifty feet or so away now, who was by turns running then walking, or rather stumbling, towards them, her uncoordinated gait suggesting she’d been drinking.

Chloe didn’t have a clue what was happening, but she was the only one, it seemed. Even the driver, who had murmured something in Greek to Nik and got back behind the wheel after receiving a nod in response, seemed to be in the know, but she did recognise an order when she heard one. She told herself she wouldn’t have obeyed him on principle, even if she hadn’t been eaten up with curiosity to discover what was going on!

‘I said—’ Nik began, still not looking at her, but Chloe could feel the tension coming off him in waves. His taut profile looked grey and grim, and the muscles along his clenched jawline were set like iron.

‘I heard you, which isn’t the same as obeying you,’ she said calmly.

He turned his dark head then, flashing her a look of seething impatience, and ground out, ‘I really don’t have time for this now.’

The woman was close enough now for Chloe to see that she was correct in surmising that the woman was drunk; she could smell the alcohol from yards away. So, it seemed, could Nik, who set his shoulders and turned back with an air of forced resignation as he waited until she was within hearing distance.

‘Hello, Helena.’

The woman was probably pretty when she remembered to comb her hair and her eyes weren’t lost in black-smudged circles of mascara that had been washed by tears running in dark rivers down her face.

The sound coming from her was half sob, half breathless pant as she walked straight past Chloe, her attention totally focused on Nik, her eyes burning with hatred.

Nik didn’t move an inch as the woman staggered up to him, glaring.

‘I wake up every morning wishing you were dead!’ she slurred. ‘I wish I was dead!’

The mixture of venom and despair in her voice sent an ice-cold chill down Chloe’s spine but Nik just stood there. What made it all the more bizarre was that he didn’t look angry, he looked...sad, compassionate and, most telling of all, guilty.

Chloe’s imagination went into overdrive. What had he done to this woman?

‘I’m so sorry,’ he said finally.

The woman’s face screwed up and an anguished high-pitched shriek left her open mouth as she pulled back her arm and aimed a closed-fisted blow that made contact with Nik’s cheek.

Chloe gasped in alarm, her hand going to her own cheek, but he just stood there and continued to do so as the woman started to pound his chest with her flailing fists, shrieking hysterically the whole time.

As the frenzied attack showed no sign of abating, although God knew where the woman got the strength from, the shock that had held Chloe immobile abated.

‘No!’ She wasn’t even aware that she’d voiced her protest or had moved forward until Nik looked at her and moved his head in a negative motion.

It was the total absence of anger in his austere, strong-boned face that hit her, that and the profound sadness. It added a deep ache of empathy to the already present confusion and horror—too many layers of emotion for Chloe to comprehend.